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Vincristine, Periwinkles

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Q: What are some rarely North American animals and plants?
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How can animals changes an ecosystem?

North American animals and plants are moving farther north or to higher elevations to find suitable places to live. Climate change also alters the life cycles of plants and animals.

What plants and animals lived in North America 10000 years ago?

American bison

What lives in a desert?

Numerous species of plants and animals live in the desert. Animals might include a cougar or jackrabbit in North American deserts along with mesquite trees and cacti.

What North American animals burrow underground?

There are many North American animals that burrow underground. These animals include prairie dogs, as well as the ground hogs.

What lives at the north pole?

Plants, animals and insects!

Can you give us a list of natural resources and resources in the north east region?

there is trees ,water, animals , and plants the resourcesin north region are trees ,animals ,and plants and water

Why did north America develop unique plants and animals?

Settlers from all over the world brought animals and plants native to their homelands over on ships. Some were brought by accident (e.i. rats and other rodents) while others were brought purposefully (e.i. horses) the columbian exchange (the trading between Europe, Africa, and North America), also introduced many new plant species (e.i. as well as domesticated animals to North America. Many of these animals and plants adapted in their own ways to climate change from their native land to north American climate in order to survive.

Do bobcats live in Australia?

No. They are North American animals.

What are herbivores in North America?

well, omnivorous are animals such as grizzly bears and other animals they eat other animals and plants

Can North American animals adapt to life in Australia?

Yes, but they would need to be very alert as there are many other species that are extremely harmful to North American animals.

What are some animals that begin with the letter N and live in Wisconsin?

Northern short-tailed shrew, Northern flying squirrel, North American deer mouse, North American porcupine and North American river otter are animals in Wisconsin.

How did exploration in a new exchange of plants and animals?

Exploration aided greatly in the exchange of plants and animals. For instance, when the English first came to North America, they brought back all kinds of plants and animals from the New World.