

What are some real good horror movies you can recommend?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Saw 7.

Halloween 2.

The Exorcist.

Paranormal Activity 1.

Paranormal Activity 2.

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Q: What are some real good horror movies you can recommend?
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Do any scary movies happen in real life?

Some horror movies are based on real events, or loosely inspired by real events.

Are there any horror movies based on real events?

yes orcorse horrors is real

Is horror movie real?

A very few are real- mostly crime stories. Almost all horror movies are fantasy- not real. Things like Nightmare on Elm Street- fantasy.

Are the deaths in horror movies real?

What do you mean, are they "real?" Of course they're not real. None of it's real. It's a MOVIE. Movies are make-believe, obviously. Perhaps I am misunderstanding your question? You can't possibly think that when people are killed in horror movies, the actors are actually murdered on-screen, for real? Who on earth would volunteer to be murdered, just to make a movie?

How is horror movies good for kids or how do horror movies NOT affect children?

i don't thing that horror movies are bad for kids as long as kids don't follow what the movie is expressing!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- I have watched horror movies ever since I was a young child. They are my preferred movie genre. I think as long as the child is old enough, or mentally capable enough to handle the movie and realize 'the scary monster isn't real' etc.. then there is nothing wrong with allowing a child to watch a horror movie. But it must be a child to child basis, all kids might not be okay with horror, while some are. Just like adults.

Is Jason from Friday the 13th and Michael Myers real?

No, neither character is real. They are both works of fiction created by screenwriters to be turned into horror movies.

Why do so many horror movies seem to be based around an old motel?

A lot of horror movies are based on real fears that many people have. People are scared of being in a place they are unfamiliar with and having something bad happen. It's a fear of not knowing how to escape or being unable to control your surroundings. Horror movies bases around old motels are playing on this fear.

What are some good scary movies for kids?

Well, kids shouldn't watch scary movies at all. It depends on how old the kids you're talking about is. If the kid is old enough to understand that scary movies are NOT real, then I guess I would recommend some old horror movies that aren't too violent and scary. NOTHING at all like Friday the 13th, ESPECIALLY A Nightmare on Elm Street, the Halloween movies, etc. Probably something black and white or something not TOO scary, for we are talking about kids. However, if they do understand horror movies aren't real and/or become teenagers, I'd try to let them watch something more scary, like one of the movies I already mentioned. I hope this helps :o) PS. Here, I'll list a few movies that might be kid appropriate if they believe horror movies aren't real and want something not too scary: (Minor ghost movies) Wolfman might be good (No, not the remake, probably too violent) Dracula movies Anything black and white The House on the Cemetery (This movie is alright, but not too suitable for minors...) Maybe Carnival of Souls (Once again, not the remake. But maybe the remake would be alright...) Whatever else you think isn't too violent~

What is the scariest lost tape?

I'm not sure if its the "the ultimate nightmare" or "horror movies turns real" but still watch lost tapes!

What are naturalistic horror movies?

they're movies that could come tru in real life. serial killers, rapists, ex-cons, etc. anything that DOESN'T have paranormal or supernatural stuff in it.

How does scary movies affect the society?

I believe that scary movies greatly effect society. When more and more people see horror movies they begin to become desensitized. There is an obvious difference in the generations that watch horror movies. Old horror movies used to have weird monsters, where the slimier, uglier, and grosser they are, the scarier they are. Our generation now, knows that those monsters are fake so they don't scare us as much. The horror movies now are much more realistic. In order for us to get scared, we have to feel that what is going on in the movie can really happen to us. We live in a time were we think that real life is a horror movie. We expect something bad to happen to us every moment. We also expect that the people around us aren't who they say they are. The horror movies these days have made our generation so paranoid and at the same time desensitized.

Which are the real scaring horror movies?

ANSWER in my opinion: the ring two, Texas chainsaw massacre (2003), Friday the 13th 2009, Halloween (2007),