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Depends on how old you are and why. If you want to come to CA to live and are under the age of 18 forget it. The age of consent is 18 in CA which means that you can't sign contracts, rental agreements, buy a car, or do other legal things until you are 18 and a adult. If you want to visit the state and are under the age of 18 you will need to prove to your parents you are responsible enough to take care of yourself. CA is not a playground and is a fairly dangerous state for the most part. There are parts of LA that unless you have a good reason to be there you need to stay out of. I know you have seen the movies with the ocean and palm trees, people Surfing, and all the "cool" things but in reality that is movie made film cutting/editing. Life in CA is much harder and tougher.

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Q: What are some really good convincing reasons to tell your parents why you should go to California?
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