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work, land and to start a new life

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Q: What are some reasons people settled in the middle colonies?
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For which reason were the Northern Colonies initially settled?

The Northern colonies were initially settled by groups of people from England who left for religious reasons. People also settled in the Northern colonies for economic reasons.

Where did the settlers of the middle colonies come from?

Many of the settlers that settled in the middle colonies were Dutch people from the Netherlands or Sweden. There were also German and Irish immigrants who settled in the middle colonies.

What people settled in te middle colonies?


What types of people settled in the MiddleColonies?

why were the middle colonies founded

What ethnic groups settled in the middle colonies?

There were several ethnic groups that settled in the middle colonies. Those groups included Swedish people, Irish, English, Scottish, Dutch, and French.

What were some reasons people were moving west in the middle colonies?

to have a better life

People who settled in the middle colonies represented?

they represented pilgrims and puritans

The people who settled the middle colonies brought a wide variety of skills and trades how did this help the region?

It helped because it helped trade and ship stuff to other Colonies.

What is the main reason the middle colonies were founded?

people who founded the Middle Colonies were looking to practice their own religion (Pennsylvania mainly) or to make money. Many of these people didn't bring their families with them from England and were the perfect workers for the hard work required in ironworks and shipyards.

What was the gender of the people in the middle colonies?

The people of the middle colonies were men and women.

Who were the people that settled in the new England colonies?


Were lots of people in the middle colonies loyal to England?

Most people in the middle colonies where loyalists