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Q: What are some reasons that men joined the Crusades?
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Why men joined the crusades?

because normally they were promised to get things if they went but most never survived to make it back to get those things

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by volunteering

Did men go on the crusades?


Why did the U.S joining the war?

The men joined for various reasons. Some for the cause and comrades, some were motivated by patriotism, some had war fever. Other reasons; peer and community pressure, chance for adventures, masculine identity, hatred for the enemy, romanticism, chance to be a hero, enlistment bounty in the North (money for joining).

Why did soldiers join the U.S. Civil War?

The men joined for various reasons. Some for the cause and comrades, some were motivated by patriotism, some had war fever. Other reasons; peer and community pressure, chance for adventures, masculine identity, hatred for the enemy, romanticism, chance to be a hero, enlistment bounty in the North (money for joining).

Why did men go in Crusades?

For Freedom, riches, and Adventure.

Why did Australia jion World War I?

Australia's men joined World War 1 for various reasons: 1. they felt they had to help their mother country (Britain) 2. they wanted a great adventure 3. some only joined because didn't want the white feather or be disapproved of by peers

What did the Muslims do to Christians in the crusades?

They killed them: men, women, children.

How were men convinced to go to war in the Crusades?

The men were bribed with chocolate milk and playboy magazines.

Why were European men so eager to fight in Crusades?

because their religion promised that if they died fighting crusades then they would get entry into heaven

How did men stop women from being unfaithful during the crusades?

The women were

Why did men want to fight in the crusades?

Before feminist movements, men were considered the warriors and the providers. With this in consideration, women would not have been able to fight in the Crusades, whether they wanted to or not. However, men would have wanted to fight in the Crusades as they would have been considered Holy Warriors, fighting to reclaim lost Holy territory from what they considered to be heathen thieves - Muslim 'invaders.'