

What are some relatives of dinosaurs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Dinosaurs are very closely related to birds, which are thought to have evolved directlly from them.

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Are dinosaurs stil alive?

No dinosaurs are not still alive there are some relatives of dinosaurs that have been alive since dinosaurs like alligators and crocodiles even tigers and elephants.

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The closest living relatives of dinosaurs are birds, which are actually the sole surviving dinosaurs. The second closest living relatives are crocodilians.

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The closest living relatives of the dinosaurs are birds. In fact, scientists consider them true dinosaurs. The second closest living relatives of the dinosaurs are crocodillians.

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No. While alligators are related to dinosaurs they are not dinosaurs.

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The closest living relatives of dinosaurs are birds.

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No. Dinosaurs are officially classified as reptiles. Their closest living relatives are birds.

Why are dinosaurs lizard types?

They're not. They are only relatives of them.

Are there any dinosaurs in the world anymore?

No dinosaurs are extinct meaning non existant, there are on the other hand the relatives of dinosaurs which are most reptiles

What is the nearest relative of small dinosaurs?

The closes living relatives to all dinosaurs large and small are birds.

Did every dinosaur get wiped out in years ago?

Yes, but some relatives of the dinosaurs (alligators, crocodiles, some fish, birds, and chickens) live on.