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Q: What are some sentences with prepositions that are objects?
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What are some sentences using prepositions?

Here is a good website listing different prepositions. And here are a couple of sentences.He was suspended for cheating.She copied her homework from him.

Preposition of place?

Prepositions are words that show relationships between the other words in sentences. Prepositions of place are the words at, on, and in.

Should sentences be ended with prepositions?

It depends when you are making a sentence.

What are seven prepositions?

Here are some examples of prepositions: above after among at behind below beside by in near on through under They are called "prepositions" because they often come in the "pre-" (before) "position" in sentences. For example: after lunch behind the tree through the center of town

Does Prepositions usually come before verbs?

No. Prepositions can come before or after the verb.In the following sentences the verbs are bold and the prepositions are italicsThe interviews by David Attenborough were broadcast live by the station.Tom will take a trip by boat

Can you begin sentences with prepositions?

Yes, certainly. For example: 'In which country did Charles Dickens live?' 'Under that tree you'll find some buried treasure.'

Which of the following sentences contains three prepositions. Ben has done without a car for six months. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs. the boys might have cooperated if they had not b?

The sentence "Ben has done without a car for six months" contains three prepositions: "without," "for," and "with."

What are some prepositions that start with y?

There are no prepositions that start with y!

Conjunctions and prepositions?

Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. They include words like "and," "but," "or," and "because." Prepositions, on the other hand, are used to show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Some common prepositions include "in," "on," "at," and "by."

What starts the predicate of a sentence?

General: Introduction - GrammarParts of speech:Nouns - Verbs - Adjectives - Adverbs - Pronouns - Conjunctions - Prepositions - InterjectionsParts of the sentence: Subjects - PredicatesWord functions: Subjects - Predicates - Direct Objects - Indirect Objects - Objects of the PrepositionTypes of sentences: Simple Sentences - Complex SentencesTypes of Phrases: Adjective - Adverb - NounTypes of Clauses: Adjective - Adverb - NounOther English topics:Gerunds - Idiomatic Phrases - Spelling - Vocabulary - Punctuation - Syntax - Appositives - Phonics - Pronunciation

What are some prepositions that begin with the letter A?

Prepositions that start with the letter a:aboardaboutaboveacrossafteragainstalongamidamongaroundasat

What are the principal uses of nouns in a sentence?

Nouns typically appear as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, noun appositives, predicate nouns, or as objects of prepositions.