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Acute pain in the lower abdomen would point to typical appendicitis.

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Q: What are some signs that you would need your appendix removed?
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How do you know you need your appendix removed?

You experience symptoms such as pain in the stomache, Vomitting, A lot of gas, etc. If you think that you might need to have your appendix removed, u should most likely see a doctor even if you dont think you need it removed.

Can you get a medical marijuana card if you have had your appendix removed?

Assuming you are in a place where medical marijuana is permitted, an appendix removal is not a valid reason for it. After having it removed, there is no reason why you would need the marijuana, since it doesn't cause any extreme pain and has no need of the various effects often quoted as beneficial of marijuana.

Appendix differences in human and cat?

There is a major difference between an appendix in a human and a cat. Namely, cats do not have an appendix, while people do. The appendix has no use within the body, but can sometimes become infected and will need to be removed.

Do people need appendix to have babies?

No, the human body can still work properly without the appendix. My mother has no appendix. It was removed 2 years before i was born.I hope this answer has been of much use to you.

What can happen if you don't get an appendectomy?

If you need an appendectomy but keep postponing having your appendix removed, your appendix could rupture, and if you don't find a surgeon and a doctor in a hurry, a ruptured appendix, which causes peritonitis, could be fatal.

Should you get worried about your operation for appendix?

Any surgical procedure is a a matter of concern. However having your appendix removed is an operation carried out frequently and the hazards are well known. It is considered a routine matter, as much as any operation can be. It would not be carried out is the physician thought there were alternatives.

Do you need your appendix?

The most obvious answer is no; millions of people have had their appendix removed without ill effects. Darwin suggested that the appendix is a leftover from when our ancestors used to digest leaves. Recently, it's been suggested that the appendix is used to keep bacteria that keep the colon in good order, however it doesn't seem to cause a problem to have it removed. Given that it's seems largely useless and a burst appendix used to be a fatal disorder, one might ask why it's survived at all. One theory is that a smaller appendix is more prone to bursting so it's reached a sort of happy medium value.

Can you play golf after appendix operation?

its possible. removing your appendix doesn't enable you to do anything; you can only get it removed if its acting up or making you sick. but you need to ask your doctor and get parents permission BLAH BLAH BLAH

Can you live without your appendix?

You experience symptoms such as pain in the stomache, Vomitting, A lot of gas, etc. If you think that you might need to have your appendix removed, u should most likely see a doctor even if you dont think you need it removed.

Can you die from having your appendix removed?

No, you cannot die from having your appendix removed as long as the surgery follows proper procedure, involves no complications, is timely and precedes proper post-operative care. The appendix holds non-vital status with the tonsils as parts that the body does not need for proper functioning and survival. Its removal must be a procedure in the hands of a capable surgical staff and of competent post-operative caregivers.

Why is a ruptured appendix life threatening?

Because the toxins from the burst appendix can get into the bloodstream and cause blood poisoning. If you get the appendix removed after it ruptured, you may need to get an abcess, to remove the toxins

Why do people get their appendix taken out?

If the appendix gets blocked by a bit of faecal matter (poo) then it can get inflammed and infected. It can then really easily burst into your abdominal cavity and get infected. That infection can then get into your blood, causing it to become infected. You can potentially die from it.