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for howrse: Excessive energy levels, and loss of interest in food. This should be on level four. !!!

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Q: What are some signs that your horse has eaten a posinous plant?
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What are some of the signs when a horse has eaten a poisinous plant?

The horse rolls on bits for a long time.

What are the some of the signs that your horse has eaten a poisonous plant?

they start acting up. they get sick.

What are some of the signs your horse has eaten a?

Eaten a what exactly?

Howrse What are some of the signs your horse has eaten a poisonous plant?

Well I'm not sure about the new one but I think it will say: [name] has ingested [plant]

What are some of the sign that a horse has eaten a poisonous plant?

The most popular signs are the horse is ether rolling or pawing the ground continuously. If they do this call a vet right away.

What are some of the signs your horse has eaten a poisonious plant?

your horse would not eat and it will feel weak the best thing is to give it lots of water and give it medical attention to a vet

What are signs that your horse has eatin a poiseness plant on howrse?

Your horse cannot eat a poisonous plant.

What are some signs a horse has eaten a posoinous plant?

When a horse eats a poisonous plant, it may get colic, or a stomachache. The horse may be refusing to eat or drink, be rolling around on the floor (horses roll around anyway, but you would be able to tell if it was sick), and it should appear listless.

What are some signs that a horse has eating a poisonous plant?

It dies.

What are some of the signs of your horse eating a poison plant?

It's dead.

What are some signs that your horse has eaten a pousines plant?

Lethargy Breaking out in hives. Stumbling and disorientation Colic. Going off feed. When in doubt get a sample of the plant if you can, call your local extension office or University ag. dept. to ID the plant (many will let you email them a picture of it) and call the vet!

What are some signs that your horse has eaten a poisonous plant?

Depending on the actual plant eaten, any of the following: colic, sweating, anxiety, depression, neurologic deficits (can't walk, can't walk straight, etc.), increased respiratory rate, increased heart rate, increased temperature, congested mucus membranes (ie, the gums in the mouth), etc.