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The Greeks based their alphabet on the Phoenician one, however they look rather different and the number of letters is different. The similarity is using letter symbols to denote sounds and facilitate reading.

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7y ago

Greek and Latin alphabets were adopted and adapted from the Phoenician one, as are our alphabets of today.

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Why is the Phoenician alphabet false?

The Phoenician alphabet is real, and formed the basis of the Greek and Roman alphabets, and today's European alphabets.

Why is the Phoenician alphabet significant?

It formed the basis of the Greek and Roman alphabets, and so our alphabets of today.

What is Phoenician letters?

They invented an alphabet from which developed the Greek and Roman alphabets, and hence today's alphabets.

How did the Phoenician alphabet connect with the future?

It became the basis for the Greek and Latin alphabets, and so today's alphabets.

What is the importsnce of the Phoenician alphabet?

It became the basis for the Greek and Roman alphabets, and hence through them, modern alphabets.

Where do we see the Phoenician alphabet?

Apart from inscriptions, in the alphabets which took the Phoenician one and modified it for their own use. It was developed into Greek, Israel, Latin and to today's English and other European alphabets.

How has the Phoenician alphabet been carried forward into the modern world?

It formed the basis of the Greek and Latin alphabets, and so the alphabets of today.

How did your alphabet descend from the Phoenician alphabet?

The Phoenician alphabet was the ancestor of many modern alphabets, including the Greek, Latin, and Cyrillic alphabets. As the Phoenician traders interacted with different cultures, their alphabet was adopted and adapted by these cultures. For example, the Greeks modified the Phoenician alphabet to better represent their own language, introducing vowels and adding new letters. Over time, these modified versions of the Phoenician alphabet evolved into distinct writing systems.

What are Phoenician imports?

They developed an alphabet which became the basis of Greek and Roman, and hence the alphabets of today.

Which ancient writing system has survived in modified forms until the present?

The Phoenician alphabet was the basis of the Greek and Roman alphabets, and so of today's alphabets.

What other people were influenced by the Phoenician alphabet?

It was adapted as a basis for Latin and Greek, and so became the basis of today's alphabets.

What was the most important contributinn of the Phoenician civilization?

The alphabet we use today was based on the Phoenician alphabet system, passed to us via the Greek and Roman alphabets.