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Q: What are some similarities and differences between Fidel Castro and Porfirio Diaz?
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What were the main similarities and differences of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro?

The main similaries between Che Guevara and Fidel Castro is that they both believe in communism and a good cigar. Fidel Castro has devoted his life to Cuba. Che Guevara had traveled the globe to advance anti-impearalism in many countries such as Algeria, Congo, Vietnam, and Bolivia in addition to Cuba. Fidel Castro still lives while Che was executed in 1967 in Bolivia.

Identify the similarities and differences between Fidel Castro's and Adolf Hitler's dictatorships?

Both were cold blooded dictators but Fidel kept his intentions for his country unlike Adolph who kept his intentions for the world.

Similarity between donald trump and Fidel Castro?

They are both of the species "homo sapiens"; in other words, human. Beyond that, there are very few similarities. Trump is an English-speaking American businessman and billionaire; Castro was a Spanish-speaking revolutionary and murderer.

Are there any differences between Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin?

Fidel is alive and is not thought to be involved in the systematic elimination of his political opponents on a large scale.

What happened between Reme and Will Castro of Unique autosports?

There was a disagreement between the two and Reme decided to sue Castro of Unique Autosports.

How was the relationship between Fidel Castro and eisenhower?


How many brothers did Fidel Castro have?

Raúl Castro Enma Castro Agustina Castro Ramon Castro Ruz Angelita Castro

Castro has one what?

Who is a Castro I am Taina Castro

When was Jaime Castro Castro born?

Jaime Castro Castro was born in 1939.

What is Fidel Castro's political philosophy?

Fidel Castro identified him with great generals such as Alexander the Great, Aníbal, and Napoleon. He also expresses great respect and admiration, in spite of their political views, for the pro-Franco Spanish Jesuits who educated him. Castro's authoritarian paternalism can't conceive the possibility that Cuban revolutionaries could effectively defend the country and socialism if they had political differences and were organized in more than one party. He makes it abundantly clear that his view of socialism requires a "unity" that is incompatible with the organized expression of differences of opinion. Fidel Castro: Biografía a Dos Voces interview with Ignacio Ramonet.

Who is Fidel's brother?

I'm assuming you mean Fidel Castro from Cuba. Here are all his siblings: Raúl Castro, Juanita Castro, Ramón Castro Ruz, Pedro Emilio Castro Argota, Emma Castro, Agustina Castro, Ángela María Castro Ruz, Lidia Castro Argota, Antonia Maria Castro Argota, Manuel Castro Argota, Georgina Castro Argota