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Fort minor-Kenji well it isnt really about muslim just japanese but its pretty close

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Q: What are some songs about Muslim discrimination?
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Is there any rap songs about discrimination?

changes by tupac

What are some good songs for a mass about discrimination?

beautiful by Christina aguliera it symbolizes that everybody is the same. There is no reason to hate on others.

Is usher Muslim?

nope he is not!...his children don't have Muslim names and he often speaks of Christianity in his songs...

Did Michael Jackson have a song about Islam?

No Michael Jackson was not a Muslim and he didn't sing any Muslim songs, Islam In My Veins is by Irfan Makki.

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How "post" are we talking here? John Mellencamp talks about race all the time. Songs like: Peaceful World Jena Cuttin' Heads

How does hajj discorage discrimination?

Hajj promotes equality between everyone who is a Muslim. Everyone no matter what their race, social status, gender or anything can go (as long as they are a Muslim) they all wear the same clothes, so no-one can tell how rich/poor you are, which promotes equality and discourages discrimination!

How have post-911 government responses affected prejudice and discrimination againest Muslim Arabs and related groups?

The government is showing discrimination by detaining all U.S. citizens and immigrants of Arab decent.

Is usher a Muslim?

No he is not. 1. No Muslim name 2. None of his children have Muslim names. 3. Speaks of "Church" very often in songs. The correct answer would be: No, he's christian.

When did discrimination against blacks and whites end?

Discrimination against blacks and whites officially ended with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in the United States. Although the Act was a significant step forward, discrimination still persists in various forms to this day.

Do Muslims get a fair press?

Yes, but not in Muslim countries. In Europe they get so fair press it's actually called "positive discrimination".

Is Jay Z a Muslim?

No but I think he is a 5% Percenter because he uses references about them in his songs

What religion is neyo?

He isn't Muslim. he was Muslim then he converted into Christianity like his parents but he promotes Islam and respects Muslim.