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Q: What are some sources of error in determining a resultant by adding vectors graphically?
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How do you get the resultant of two or more vectors?

You can add the vectors graphically - join them head-to-tail. Or you can solve them algebraically: you can separate them into components, and add the components.

Problems regarding graphical method of determining resultant vector?

When you add vectors graphically you connect them head to tail, keeping their length and direction constant. The difference from the tail of the first one to the head of the last one is the resultant vector. Go to the related link below.

Is resultant a vector quantity?

The resultant of two vectors cannot be a scalar quantity.

Can the resultant of two vectors of the same magnitude be equal to the magnitude of either of the vector. How?

Yes - if the vectors are at an angle of 60 degrees. In that case, the two vectors, and the resultant, form an equilateral triangle.Yes - if the vectors are at an angle of 60 degrees. In that case, the two vectors, and the resultant, form an equilateral triangle.Yes - if the vectors are at an angle of 60 degrees. In that case, the two vectors, and the resultant, form an equilateral triangle.Yes - if the vectors are at an angle of 60 degrees. In that case, the two vectors, and the resultant, form an equilateral triangle.

Methods for finding the resultant vector?

You can add vectors graphically, by drawing them head-to-tail. Algebraically, you can separate them into components (for example, in two dimensions, the horizontal and the vertical component), then add those.

How do you represent vectors graphically?

Vectors can be represented graphically in a three dimensional framework (x,y,z) or width, breath and depth from a zero origin.

How many minimum of vectors are required in space to get resultant zero?

Assuming you want non-zero vectors, two opposing vectors will give a resultant of zero.

The resultant between 2 vectors can be found by placing the vectors?


When two equal and opposite vectors are added their resultant vector has zero magnitude.What is the direction of this resultant?

Thee direction of the two vectors.

What are the ways of determining the resultant vector?

You can do it graphically by drawing the vectors with the end of the first touching the beginning of the second, the end of the second touching the beginning of the third, and so on, being careful to maintain the direction and the scale of the magnitude of each. The resultant is then the vector that starts at the beginning of the first vector and ends at the end of the last vector. You should get the same resultant no matter what order you put the vectors in. You can do it matematically by trigonometrically separating each vector into its x and y components, adding together all the x's and adding together all the y's, then calculating the resultant. Think of each vector as the hypotenuse of a right triangle. After adding together the x's and y's, the two sums are the two sides of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is the resultant.

What is the angle needed for the smallest resultant of two vectors?

The smallest resultant of two vectors is the sum of two equal vectors which make an angle of 180 degrees among each other.

What is a Resultant Vectors?

resultant vector is a vector which will have the same effect as the sum of all the component vectors taken together.