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I am living with a narcissistic husband. I am finally ready to file for divorce. We have a wonderful 12 year old son and my life with my husband has been living hell for at least the last two years. we have been together for 13 years. I thought it was always my fault. I thought I needed to love him more. It always felt so empty. His verbal abuse has gotten worse in the last year and his ability to give me the silent treatment has gone on for almost 6 months. His favorite word to me is shut up. I finally went to therapy and it was with his help I have been able to see what was happening to my life. It has been horrible and I wanted to marriage to work. Not any more Please help if anyone has any advise You need to become financially independant. He's abusive to you because he knows he has you. It's all about control. He sees that you need him, so he's even meaner to you. Add consequences to his silent treatment. (as long as there is no physical abuse, and I hope there is not) For example, as long as he is silent, he has no say over what's for dinner. Just start making dinner and he has to eat what you make. If he says anything, just say "Well you aren't talking to me so...." Try to play the game back a little. You have to have a thick skin with a narcissist. Mine used to play games like that. The best thing you can do, is ignore them and do what YOU want. When they see that they aren't getting any rise out of you, they stop. It's hard to do sometimes, but it works.

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Q: What are some strategies in living with a Narcissistic father while being financially dependent?
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I am not a psychologist, just an observer to the decades of narcissistic behavior in a bad narcissistic father. From everything I have observed and also studied up on and read, narcissism does seem to get worse with advancing age. At 95, I see that there is little left in NDad EXCEPT the narcissistic agenda.

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it depends what state you live in and if you claim the children on your taxes, or if you are the not the biological father of the other three kids you need to be married to their mother in order for them to be any kind of dependent for them to count for your income