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Q: What are some subjective signs and symptoms for impaired physical mobility?
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How do you use subjective symptoms in a sentence?

Subjective Symptom

What are the symptoms of venous insufficiency?

The symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency can be subjective and objective. Subjective symptoms include throbbing, cramping, burning

Symptoms are objective while signs are subjective?

This statement is incorrect. Symptoms are subjective experiences reported by the patient, such as pain or fatigue, whereas signs are objective findings observed by a healthcare provider, such as fever or high blood pressure.

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Knee pain is among the most frequently encountered complications in the realm of joint pain. Among the possible symptoms are discomfort, inflammation, rigidity, and impaired mobility….Read More

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Impaired speech is a symptom to damage of the brocas area.

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What are the symptoms of botulism?

Dry mouth, vomiting , sore throat, impaired vision, dizziness, paralysis.

Nursing Care plan For activity intolerance?

Nursing Diagnosis:Activity IntoleranceR/T difficulty breathingState subjective and objective informationExpected Outcomes:Patient will achieve a measurable increase in activity tolerance as evidenced by reduced fatigue and weakness and by vital signs within acceptable limits during physical activity by (date) Nursing Interventions:When getting pt up, observe for symptoms of intolerance such as nausea, pallor, dizziness, visual dimming, and impaired consciousness.Assess vital signs before and after physical activity.Gradually increase activity allowing the pt to assist with positioning, transferring, and self care.

What are symptoms?

A symptom is a sign of something, usually not good.For instance, a fever, runny nose, and sore throat may be a symptom of the flu. A loud knock may be a symptom that your engine has problems. Growling and snarling may be a symptom that your dog has aggression issues.In medical terms, a symptom is a subjective indication of a disease or other physical condition.For example, itchy eyes, sneezing, and swollen lips are some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction.In medical terms, a symptom is a subjective indication of a disease or other physical condition.Something that shows up or hints that something is different.

What are some Insulin Resistance Symptoms?

Insulin resistance symptoms are linked to diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Some symptoms include high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels and impaired glucose tolerance.

Why there is no subjective symptoms in posterior nerve block?

because PSA do not branch off superficially into soft tissues .

What are symptoms of physical stress?
