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A subordinating conjunction is a joining of subordinate clause or a main clause.

Here's a list of the most common subordinating conjunctions. because, unless, when, where, why, wherever, who ,that, how, since, whether, unless until, as, if, as if, while, before, after, al though, provided that, as long as, as though, in order that, so that, than, though,and whenever.

Here are some example sentences for subordinating conjunctions.

We are going to eat after we finish taking the test.

Since we have lived in Atlanta, we have gone to every exhibit at the High Museum.

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2d ago

Some subordinating conjunctions include "although," "because," "if," "since," "though," and "when." These words are used to connect dependent clauses to independent clauses in a sentence.

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Q: What are some subordinating conjunctions examples?
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Subordinating conjunctions introduce?

Subordinating conjunctions introduce dependent clauses and join them to independent clauses to form complex sentences. They show the relationship between the dependent clause and the independent clause, such as cause and effect, or time sequence. Examples include "although," "because," "when," and "while."

What are the common exmples of subordinating conjunctions?

Some examples are: because, since, after, before, so ... that, when, if, as, as ... as, than.

Subordinating conjunctions introduce what?

Subordinating conjunctions introduce subordinate clauses, which depend on the main clause for meaning and cannot stand alone as complete sentences. They establish relationships between the main clause and the subordinate clause, such as showing cause and effect, time sequence, condition, or contrast.

Examples of subordinating conjunctions?

Some common subordinating conjunctions include "because," "although," "since," and "if." These words are used to introduce subordinate clauses in a sentence and show the relationship between the main clause and the subordinate clause.

What are some subordinating conjunctions?

Some common subordinating conjunctions include "because," "although," "since," "while," "after," and "if." These words are used to introduce dependent clauses in complex sentences that provide additional information or context to the main clause.

What are three subordinating conjunctions?

Three subordinating conjunctions are 'after,' 'when,' and 'even though.' For a list of common subordinating conjunctions, visit this site:

All subordinating conjunctions?

All the subordinating conjunctions are: Because, if, that, since, who, what where, when, why, how, so, and then. Peace Out Homedog! :-)

What are some conjunctions?

Some common subordinating conjunctions are:which, how, that, if, because, while, since, though, although, lest, unless, forSome subordinating conjunctions based on time are: as, when, after, before, until, while, since.(notice that while can mean although, and the words as, since, for can all mean because)Some subordinating conjunctions contain more than one word: as long as, even though, now that* All conjunctions are subordinating except for the 7 coordinating conjunctions defined by the acronym FANBOYS : for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

How many Conjunctions are there?

There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, for, nor, so, yet), subordinating conjunctions (because, since, although, while, if), and correlative conjunctions (both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also).

What are the 3 conjunctions?

coordinating; subordinating;; correlative!

How are coordinating conjunctions different from subordinating conjunctions?

Coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) connect independent clauses, where each could stand alone as a sentence. Subordinating conjunctions begin a dependent clause that modifies an independent clause.

Acronym for subordinate conjunctions?

AAAWWUBBIS is an acronym for subordinate conjunctions.