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Q: What are some surface mining methods?
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What are the surface and subsurface methods by which coal is commonly mined?

Longwell Mining and Open-Pit Mining

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What are some early gold mining methods?

panning,shaft mining,cradling and puddling

What are the methods of mining?

There are a lot of different divisions. In general, you might separate them into surface mining, such as a quarry, strip mine, or open pit mine, and underground mining, consisting of shafts and adits.

Why is surface mining cheaper?

In surface mining we dont make any tunnels. Surface mining is less risks as underground mining. In surface mining we follows the several conditions which are provides saftey.

What are some types of alluvial mining methods?

Panning Cradling Puddling

What technologies are used in mining?

There are some technological methods that are used in mining are:Open-cast mining : Open-cast mining is done when a mineral is located very close to the surface. In the open-cast mining, different minerals are taken out by removing the surface layer. Open-cast mining is famous for coal mining in India and many other countries.Shaft mining : The word 'shaft' refers to deep bores. In the shaft mining, deep bores are created to reach mineral deposits. This is because, these deposits lie at great depths. Petroleum and natural gas are extracted by shaft mining.

What are th two methods of extraction metals from the ore?

Mining techniques can be divided into two common excavation types: surface mining (above ground) and subsurface (underground) mining. sometimes subsurface mining is also called deep mining like in my text book p.s i am in 8th grade

How do surface mining and underground mining differ?

Surface mining occurs close to the surface (less than a mile deep), while underground mining is underground.

What affects does mining have on the landscape and farming land near the mining site?

something that affects the land by mining is that when you mine you tale minerals out of the earth and the earth needs minerals to survive

What are the different methods of mining?

Here are two of the main categories of mining:Underground Mining - Underground modes of access include drift, slope, and shaft mining, and actual mining methods include longwall and room and pillar mining. Drift mines enter horizontally into the side of a hill and mine the coal within the hill. Slope mines usually begin in a valley bottom, and a tunnel slopes down to the coal to be mined. Shaft mines are the deepest mines; a vertical shaft with an elevator is made from the surface down to the coal.Surface Mining - Surface-mining methods include area, contour, mountaintop removal, and auger mining. Area mines are surface mines that remove shallow coal over a broad area where the land is fairly flat. Huge dragline shovels commonly remove rocks overlying the coal (called overburden).

What are the three gold mining methods?

Gold is recovered by three basic mining methods: placer mining of alluvial deposits, lode or vein mining, and recovery as a by-product of base-metal mining.