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Q: What are some types of alluvial mining methods?
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What are some early gold mining methods?

panning,shaft mining,cradling and puddling

What are the types of mining?

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How were rubies mined?

Rubies have historically been mined using traditional methods such as panning in rivers, open-pit mining, and underground mining. In some locations, rubies are also recovered by washing and sorting through alluvial deposits. Modern techniques incorporate machinery and technology to extract rubies more efficiently while minimizing environmental impact.

When did diamond mining start?

Diamond mining started in India around the 4th century BC. However, modern industrial diamond mining began in the late 19th century in South Africa after the discovery of diamond deposits in the region.

What invention did Herbert Hoover invent?

He was a very successful mining engineer. He may have invented some new methods for handling mining difficulties. (He did not invent the Hoover vacuum.)

What are someTypes of subsurface mining?

i don't know the types of subsurface mining, but i know some facts.surface mining is safer and easier than subsurface mining.You don't have much air underground.It has no or very little advantages compared to surface mining.

What are the requirements and procedures to lift alluvial gold through customs of a foreign country to a refinery?

i dont know what an alluvial gold is and i am having struggles with this and i need some assistance i dont know what an alluvial gold is and i am having struggles with this and i need some assistance

How did the Australian gold rush affect the landscape?

Alluvial gold mining left the environment cleared and razed in many places, as large amounts of bushland were cleared for gold mining to take place. This caused some loss of habitat for native animals. In addition, "mullock heaps" (consisiting of the tailings) were left behind to scar the landscape.

What happened to the environment when the gold rush in Australia happened?

Alluvial gold mining left the environment cleared and razed in many places, as large amounts of bushland were cleared for gold mining to take place. This caused some loss of habitat for native animals. In addition, "mullock heaps" (consisting of the tailings) were left behind to scar the landscape.

What affects does mining have on the landscape and farming land near the mining site?

something that affects the land by mining is that when you mine you tale minerals out of the earth and the earth needs minerals to survive

Different types of data mining?

Some different types of data mining include clustering, classification, regression, association rule mining, and anomaly detection. Clustering involves grouping similar data points together, while classification involves categorizing data into predefined classes. Regression predicts a continuous value based on input variables, and association rule mining uncovers patterns in data sets. Anomaly detection identifies unusual or outlier data points.

Which type of soil is found in northern plains of India?

Maharashtra and Gujrat