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Symptoms of lumbar spinal Stenosis include numbness, weakness, cramping, or pain in the legs, feet, or buttock; stiffness in legs and thighs; low Back pain. In severe cases, loss of bladder and bowel control.

Answer Pain, numbness, weakness or tingling in the arms/hands and the legs may indicate cervical spinal stenosis. Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis experience the same symptoms but limited to the lower back, legs, and feet.

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Q: What are some symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis?
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What does spinal stenosis of lumbar region mean and why does it give me low back pain?

The word "stenosis" is Greek, and it means "a narrowing or constricting space" or "chocking." From a medical standpoint, spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing or constricting at some point within the spine where the spinal cord and nerve roots are located. The constriction or pressure that is applied because the space is narrow causes the spine to be pressed on or chocked, and eventually irritated. When this occurs in the low back or lumbar region of the spine it is called lumbar spinal stenosis. This is the most common location of spinal stenosis, with only a small amount of cervical (neck) spinal stenosis by comparison. When lumbar spinal stenosis occurs it is usually as a result of osteoarthritis. The disc thinning, spur formation, thickening of nearby ligaments and almost constant inflammation that are related to osteoarthritis reduce the space available for the spinal cord and spinal nerves, causing secondary inflammation and pain in the low back. In addition it can also cause sciatic neuritis pain in the leg or legs.

Symptons of Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is a degenerative disease of the spine that narrows the spinal column and places pressure on the spinal chord causing pain. It is part of the aging process but can also be brought on by injury, birth defects, or infection in the spinal column. It can be very painful, but is not considered a life threatening disease. Stenosis develops slowly over time and the symptoms increase with time. Often the disease is associated with arthritis of the back. There are two basic types of spinal stenosis: lumbar and cervical. Lumbar is present in the lower back and cervical is in the neck area. Seventy-five percent of spinal stenosis is in the lumbar region of the body. Symptoms of spinal stenosis include pain and tingling that radiates down the lower leg from the buttock area. The pain is caused from standing or walking too far and immediately goes away when sitting. It can also be relieved by hunching forward or other similar motions which cause the spine to open. The lumbar spinal stenosis is sometimes confused with blockage in the lower legs because that will generate similar pain which is relieved also by sitting and resting. Other symptoms include a hot and cold feeling in the legs, falling and general clumsiness. Cervical spinal stenosis is a more serious form of the disease as it can cause paralysis. The symptoms for cervical spinal stenosis are a general feeling of weakness and numbness, neck and shoulder pain, and sometimes loss of bowel or bladder control. In some patients evidence of spinal stenosis has been found and they have had no symptoms of the disease at all. Diagnosis of the disease is made by observing the patients posture and walking abilities and by using x-rays, MRI's, or CAT scans. Sometimes a myelogram is used where dye is injected into the spinal column and observed with an x-ray. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment plans can be determined. Treatment includes bed rest, diet to lower weight, medication to relieve pain, or surgery to widen the spinal chord column.

What is Moderate degree of spinal stenosis?

Moderate spinal stenosis means that the narrowing of the spinal canal is narrowed to the degree that symptoms are always present. At the moderate stage symptoms include stiffness or numbness in the back or neck, persistent radiating pain, and some loss of flexibility.

What are the symptoms of stenosis?

The most common symptom of spinal stenosis are: leg pain, lower back pain, leg numbness and tingling, limitations in walking. One can have one , all or some of these symptoms at the same time.

The Causes of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?

Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis face a long road of pain management. Many deal with recurring neurological problems or radiating numbness. Those diagnosed with spinal stenosis have a range of treatment options available to them, but will likely never be completely free of their symptoms. Because many adults face this disease in later life, it is a good idea to understand its possible causes. Preventative measures and discussing back pain with a doctor during regular checkups can ensure a healthy lower back for much of an individual's lifetime.Identifying Spinal StenosisThose who believe they may be suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis should seek a physician's advice. An MRI can diagnose the condition in any area of the spine, and confirm the exact region to identify possible treatment options.Once spinal stenosis has been diagnosed, a doctor will want to confirm the cause. This will help improve the quality of treatment and prevent further injury. In the case of a tumor or certain diseases, immediate action may be necessary to ensure the well-being of the patient. This is especially true of malignant cancers, which are commonly fatal when found in the spine.Most Common CausesIn older individuals, lumbar spinal stenosis is often the result of arthritis of the spine. This typically occurs after middle age.Bone diseases are often the cause of spinal stenosis. These includes Paget's disease, which can cause enlarged or malformed vertebrae. Achondroplasia, the disease commonly associated with dwarfism, can also result in this condition.When a spinal disk is herniated, or moved out of place, it can result in spinal stenosis. This cause may be more common among athletes and middle-aged men. It usually occurs after a strenuous activity. Some congenital defects can be a risk factor for a herniated disk. Any other spinal injury that creates pressure on the spinal cord can also result in a similar form of spinal stenosis.Many different types of tumors that occur in the spine may result in spinal stenosis. As they grow in size, symptoms may get worse. The rapid nature of some cancers can result in a very rapid increase, over time, of an individual's pain.

And Boolean?

How is the more useful question. Why might be useful in some contexts (Why is my equipment not functioning? Answer: It is not plugged in.] The danger is that the question why can lead you down many dead ends. It is more likely that how will lead you to explore what is properly within the paradigm of science.

What does the typical surgery for spinal stenosis entail?

Surgery to relieve the pain from spinal stenosis will not actually cure the stenosis. The surgery helps to relieve pressure from the lumbar spine in a procedure called a decompressive laminectomy. The procedure essentially involves removal of the root of the vertebrae to allow the nerves more space. In some cases, the surgery involves the fusing of the vertebrae or disc removal. However, this does not occur in all cases. It depends on the diagnosis.

How is spinal stenosis treated?

There are two types of spinal stenosis, that of the lower back and cervical spinal stenosis. Lower back spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal in the lumbar area. Cervical spinal stenosis is a narrowing in the spinal canal of the neck.

An Overview of Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is a degenerative condition of the spine. It usually occurs in the neck or the lower back when that area of the spine narrows. When the spine narrows, pressure is put on the spinal cord itself or the nerves in the area. This condition can cause pain or numbness in the legs and back or neck, shoulder, or arms, depending which nerves are compressed. The pain is described as an ache or as an electrical shock shooting down the arm or the leg. It can also cause pain in the leg when walking.What Causes Spinal Stenosis?While many things can cause narrowing of the space in the spinal canal, most of them are due to the degeneration that aging causes like osteoarthritis, disk degeneration, or thickened ligaments.Spinal stenosis can also result from spinal injuries, spinal tumors, and genetic disorders.Symptoms of Spinal StenosisEven though spinal stenosis can be seen on X-rays, it often presents no symptoms. When there are symptoms, they will usually get worse with time. Spinal stenosis most commonly affects the lower back and the neck.Symptoms of cervical stenosis which occurs in the neck include: Weakness, numbness, or a tingling sensation in the leg, foot, hand, or arm; pain in the neck or shoulders; and, in more serious cases, it can lead to incontinence.Symptoms of compressed nerves in the lumbar spine (lower back) include leg cramps when standing for long periods or when walking.Treatment for Spinal StenosisDoctors may prescribe certain medications if over-the-counter options for pain do not work. Certain antidepressants can ease the pain of spinal stenosis as can anti-seizure drugs. Opiods like hydrocodone and oxycodone are commonly used pain relievers.Doctors may also prescribe physical therapy and exercise to improve balance, build strength in the spine, and to keep the spine flexible.Surgery to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord may be recommended when all other treatments have failed and the symptoms are debilitating.At-home remedies combined with doctor recommended treatments also can help. Applying heat or cold to the area may relieve some of the symptoms of cervical stenosis. For lumbar stenosis, losing any extra weight will reduce the extra stress on the bones and joints. Using a walker or cane can relieve the pain because they let the patient lean forward as they walk.

What does it mean when you have a capacious lumbar spinal canal?

If you have a capacious lumbar spinal canal, it means that it is a wide one. Some people have wider ones than others.

What are some exercises for spinal stenosis?

Some forms of exercise that has been proven to help spinal stenosis include riding a bike, swimming, and tai chi. But some suggest to just join a gym as it offers the 3.

What are some exercises that won't strain my spinal stenosis?

A good suggestion would be to make an appointment with a physiotherapist who treats spinal stenosis. They will be able to give you specific exercises and stretches that will help you.