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1) Leave the town go to a favorite place of yours.

2) Relax, lay down with a good book!

3) Take a walk or run.

4) Go see some of your family members and cousins, get your mind off of things and play with a little cousin.

5) Go shopping and if you don't have any money go to the mall and try on new outfits, just for fun, or go to a good will/Salvation Army and pick out a outfit that is different then what you would normally wear.

6) Go out to your favorite place with someone that you are close to.

7) Go swimming.

8) Go do something adventures

9) Call a good friend or someone you can just talk to letting it all out can help you.

10) Go play favorite sport of you or do one of your favorite hobbies.

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12y ago

From personal experience, I end up making myself cry in order to calm down. I also sometimes listen to calming music, either instrumentals or ambient sounds. Being in a dark room with little stimulation can also help bring your mood down to get calm again.

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3y ago

Cry in bed and slowly fall asleep

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Q: What are some things to do when your upset?
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