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Q: What are some thoughts on the betterment of the state of Washington state?
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What are some interesting places in Washington's state?

There are some interesting places in "Washington" state but sorry not Wahington sate.

What are some of the state minerals in Washington State?

coal is found Washington in many places

What are some places in Washington state that begin with the letter K?

Kennewick is a city in Washington State.

What are some importaint famous people in Washington state?

george washington

What are some things in Washington that start with z?

· Zillah is a city in the state of Washington

In the 1800s why did some people consider Washington unsuitable for the state capital?

Washington is not a state capital. Washington is ... a state itself. On the west coast of the USA. The Capitol of Washington state is the city of OLympia. Washington DC is a city and the capitol of The United States, where the white house is. It is often referred to in the media as simply Washington

What is the Washington state dessert?

There is no true desert in Washington state, just some small semi-arid areas.

What are some things in Washington that start with o?

· Olympia is the capital city of Washington State

What are some Washington related words that begin with the letter K?

· Kennewick is a city in the state of Washington

Where can you find platinum in Washington state?

There has been some platinum found in Ocean Park Washington.

What are some words starting with the letter you that are about Washington State?

Union Gap is a city in Washington. University Place is a city in Washington.

What are some major religions in Washington state?

Atheism and cristianity....