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Q: What are some traits of nyx the goddess of the night?
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Related questions

Who is the Greek goddess of the night?

The Greek goddess of the night is Nyx.

Why did Greek goddess Nyx exist?

Nyx was the deity personification of Night.

Who is the Greek god of darkness and shadow?

Nyx is the goddess of the night.

What is the goddess Nyx known for?

Nyx's symbol is a crescent moon. I think I'm right... I got this information out of the House of Night series sooo... yah... but I think I'm right ^_^ yah I'm pretty sure

Where is the roman goddess nyx from?

The symbol for the Greek goddess Nyx was a crescent moon or a star. If you want to read some fantasy books containing Nyx, then I recommend The House of Night series (random recommendation there.)

Who were parents of goddess spes?

Spes is a daughter of Nyx- goddess of night ( fatherless ) ( )

Is there a Greek god or goddess of the night?

There is a minor one- Nyx

How was nyx born?

Nyx (Night) was born of the goddess Khaos (Gap/Air) alone or by Phanes (Procreation) alone.

Greek god whose figure personified the night?

The goddess of night was called Nyx.

What are the physical looks of the goddess nyx?

Nyx is the primordial goddess that personifies Night. She existed before people and long before there was even light. She HAD no physical appearance.

Who was the greek goddess nyx's siblings?

The Greek Goddess, Nyx (also sometimes called Nox), the Goddess of the night, was born from Chaos. Her siblings include some of the oldest deitys in Greek mythology, such as Gaia (earth), Erebus (darkness) and Tartarus (the underworld)

Who did nyx the goddess marry?

no one ever married married nyx the goddes of night