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There are several great questions you can use for the game Truth or Dare over text. Some good truth questions are "who is your crush," who was your first kiss," and who is the friend that you love to hate."

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Q: What are some truth questions for over text?
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Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.Usually if the cursor is in some text and you start to type, the text that is already there is pushed over. If you press the Insert key, it changes to Overtype mode, meaning text will be replaced as you type the new text.

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The three types of expository leads are quotes, sayings and questions.

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It means, "To tell you the truth"

How is fiction text help people better understand nonfiction text?

how fiction text is easier to understand then nonfiction text is that the only difference is that in fiction text the writer is stretching the truth while in nonfiction text the writer is limited to what they can say or write about. so to some people fiction text is easier to understand then nonfiction text is , or fiction text is harder to understand while nonfiction text is easier. its really your choice and your understanding.

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