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Rick Riordan books and the series of it

'A dry white season'

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11y ago

H2O, Ocean Girl ( an old Disney show ), and Flipper.

  • sea hunt
  • voyage to the bottom of the sea
  • Hawaii 5-O (but then who doesne't?)
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What was Poseidon's childhood like?

Poseidon's childhood was like no other. Poseidon's father was afraid that one of this sons were going to dethrone him so he would swallow them at birth Aracdains say that when Poseidon was born his mother declared to her husband that she had giving birth to a horse. by" Keylee Floyd

What was Poseidon's childhood?

Poseidon's childhood was like no other. Poseidon's father Kronos was afraid that one of his children were going to dethrone him so he would swallowed them at birth. Some myths say that when Poseidon was born, his mother (Rhea) declared to her husband that she had given birth to a horse. Later, Poseidon's younger brother Zeus (who did not get swallowed) tricked Kronos into spitting out his children Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera.

What Poseidon looked like?

Click link below, there are some pictures.

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No, Athena is not the wife of Poseidon, in some myths Poseidon is the father of Athena; but the wife of Poseidon is Amphitrite.

Are Ireland tv shows like American shows?

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I would say you would like them.

What are some of the reasons why people contact Poseidon?

To have safe voyages on the sea. They would pray to him to make and keep the sea calm. As a sacrifice they would throw a horse into the sea as Poseidon is also known as the god of horses

What are some nicknames for Poseidon?

some nick names for poseidon is neptune and poseidon is a greek god and neptune is a real roman god of the sea like poseidon and poseidons coulture is neptune but poseidon is much stronger and much heard from people then neptune is and poseidons planet is neptune and thats why its so cold

Is Poseidon in love with Athena?

No; in some myths Poseidon is the father of Athena, and Zeus her adopted father.

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How many television show is are there?

There is are 120,320 shows in the United States. Worldwide, there are is a total of 2,102,494 shows!

Who was Aphrodite's consort?

Ares, poseidon, Hephaestus, were just some of aphrodite's consorts. comparing to her power i would thinl so