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Q: What are some types of symbols in the you have a dream speech?
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What is considered to be the most famous quote from the you have a dream speech?

It's called the "I have a dream" speech. The most famous quote is "We Shall overcome." Some consider "I have a dream" to be the most famous quote from that speech.

What were some great achievements in martin Luther kings life?

he did his i have a dream speech

What could i do about this dream?

In order to interpret a dream, the interpreter needs to have some information about the content of the dream from the dreamer. People who interpret dreams rarely claim to be psychics. They usually understand the symbols and images that people see in their dreams, and explain to the dreamer what those symbols might mean.

Did Martin Luther King Jr. go to jail after his I have a Dream speech?

Some one shot him before he could finish the speech.

In 1963 where did dr martin Luther king jr deliver his famous i have a dream speech?

Did martin Luther king give his i have a dream speech in 1963?well idk so some 1 tell me.

What are some famous speeches containing syllepsis?

The "I have a Dream Speech" by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963

What are the types of folk speeches?

Some types of folk speeches include proverbs, riddles, nursery rhymes, and folklore tales. These forms of oral tradition have been passed down through generations within different cultures and societies. They often contain wisdom, humor, and cultural values.

What does it mean if you dream about the two women you love?

The dream expresses the dreamer's thoughts and emotions. These might refer to the actual women, or the dream might use the women as symbols representing some other conflict or competition in the dreamer's life.

What are some examples of anaphoras in the I Have a Dream speech?

"One hundred years later, the negro...""Now is the time...""I have a dream...""We must...""Some of you...""Let freedom ring..."(Please see related link below.)

What are symbols for in math?

A number by itself is meaningless. Symbols and labels add meaning in math. Symbols in math are used to represent different operations, and/or add descriptions. There are many different symbols each which have their own purpose. Some symbols have different purposes in different types of math.

What is a motor speech disorder?

It is a disorder affecting the motor abilities of speech. These would include articulation, some types of aphasia, and apraxia.

What are grouping symbols called?

There are a couple types of grouping symbols used in math. These are mainly parentheses and brackets. Both plain and curly brackets are used in some equations.