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Q: What are some unique ways that genetic is used in the field of medicine and health?
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How have computers changed the field of medicine?

Asking that question is like shooting fish in a barrel. There are *many* ways in which computers have changed the field of medicine. Such as reading genetic code.

Who are the scientist who contributed greatly in the field of medicine and health?

ikaw .

What are the Importance of genetics in medicine?

Genetic engineering has great potential for the field of medicine. Fatal traits can be found and eliminated, and couples can get genetic counseling that can help them to avoid having children with serious genetic defects. The field also offers hope for curing or eliminating diseases such as cancer from the gene pool.

What field of science does a vet specialize in?

biology Animal Medicine and Health.

Who are the famous scientist who contributed in the field of medicine and health?

Alexander Fleming

What are the Army's Preventive Medicine functional areas?

Diseases prevention and control field preventative medicine environmental health occupational health health surveillance and epidemiology solider, family, community health and health promotion preventive medicine toxicology and lab services health risk assessment health risk communication

What does microscopes have to do with medicine?

microscopes have a lot to do with medicine. from seeing the bacteria in your body to cancer diagnosis, genetic analysis, molecular biology, you name a field of medicine and I'll tell you what the microscope's good at

What is the study of geriatrics?

Geriatrics is the field of medicine that focuses on the health care of elderly people, particularly those with multiple chronic conditions and complex health needs. Geriatricians specialize in addressing the unique medical, social, and psychological issues that can arise in older populations.

What are the army preventive functional areas?

Diseases prevention and control field preventative medicine environmental health occupational health health surveillance and epidemiology solider, family, community health and health promotion preventive medicine toxicology and lab services health risk assessment health risk communication

What are the importance of genetic engineering in medicine?

genetics plays a very important role in medicine. particularly in the discovery of certain rare diseases. as you may have observed, most of the rare and complicated diseases are genetic in origin. in line with this, genetics is also being used to diagnose certain diseases even before they manifest their signs and symptoms. a good example of this is newborn screening.

Why would it be important some day for scientists to be able to correct damaged genes in babies before they are born?

Correcting damaged genes in babies before birth could help prevent genetic disorders and diseases that may impact a child's health and quality of life. This could lead to significant advancements in the field of genetic medicine, offering potential solutions for conditions that are currently difficult to treat or manage. Treating genetic defects early on could also help reduce healthcare costs and improve overall public health.

What is the important of statistics in the field of medicine?

Statistics are a crucial part of the field of medicine. Health statistics provide information about studies which help to track the progress of research and development of new cures and technology. In addition, health statistics give a good glimpse of the overall health of the human race, showing which diseases are prevalent in different locations, as well as how the quality of health varies by location, age, and other factors.