

What are some uses for celery root?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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10y ago

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  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Antibiotic
  • Analgesic
  • Diuretic - Answer
carminative, stimulant, diuretic, tonic, nervine and aphrodisiac. It is utilised as a tonic in combination with other herbs, promoting restfulness, sleep and lack of hysteria and is excellent in relieving rheumatism

Celery itself has fiber and calcium, but also contains sodium and potassium, so that it or its seed can be useful as a diuretic.

For the same reason, celery seeds are often promoted as improving Arthritis or rheumatism.

* Anti-Inflammatory * Antibiotic * Analgesic * Diuretic - Answer carminative, stimulant, diuretic, tonic, nervine and aphrodisiac. It is utilised as a tonic in combination with other herbs, promoting restfulness, sleep and lack of hysteria and is excellent in relieving rheumatism

* Anti-Inflammatory * Antibiotic * Analgesic * Diuretic - Answer carminative, stimulant, diuretic, tonic, nervine and aphrodisiac. It is utilised as a tonic in combination with other herbs, promoting restfulness, sleep and lack of hysteria and is excellent in relieving rheumatism

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15y ago

i like to cut into chunks and add other veggies like parsnips ,carrots ,celery ,onion,turnips put in a pan with veg. broth and cook in oven for about an hour.

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10y ago

There are many different uses for celery root. Some choose to eat celery root by itself. Celery root can also be used to make vegetable stock, or added to various different soups.

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Celery is a good source of fiber and potassium. Celery is also a natural diuretic that stimulates urine production and can help eliminate excess fluids, thereby promoting good kidney and urinary tract health in your pet. If your dog is arthritic, try adding some celery juice or chopped pieces of celery to its food.

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No celery is a plant with many edible stalks. However Celeriac (also know as celery root) a relative of celery but is not part of the same plant.

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How do you store celery root?

Remove the celery from its original packaging, and cut off bottom and any leaves. Do not wash at this point. Wrap the stalks tightly in aluminum foil and store in the bottom of your fridge/in the drawer. Your celery will last twice as long as it usually does.

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The xanthorrhizol plant is a root vegetable from the Andes. It is similar to the carrot and celery. It has leaves like a celery and a pink flower when in bloom.