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The Rio Grande valley

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Q: What are some valleys in Texas?
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What are some physical features of Texas?

There are many different physical features of Texas. Some of these include coastline, mountains, open plains, as well as valleys.

How many valleys are in Texas?

There is in Penistown and Katieville And Balls USA11111

What are five physical features of Texas?

mountains hills valleys ditiches and lakes

What are some landforms?

valleys, hills, mountains, plateaus, cliffs, canyons, and valleys

Does mars have any mountains or valleys?

valleys some of the tallest mountains and deepest valleys known in the solar system.

What are the landform of the south Texas brush country?

the landforms of this ecoregion are mountains, valleys, and plains

Is there any valleys in Chile?

There are several valleys in Chile. Some are bigger than others. Three are the Lutha, Codpa, and Azapa Valleys.

Does Mars have any valleys?

It has craters, caused by meteors hitting it. It also has valleys. You can exlopre it using Google Earth and there are some huge valleys.

What are facts about valleys?

facts about valleys are that it has low land only 1 or 2 sides with mountains and it has a plethora of plants and grass . and some other thing IDK

Is rainbow bridge in a canyon?

there are some in canyons and some in valleys

Which is always on a coast a mountain or a valley?

This is vague question. Some mountains can be by the coast. Most valleys connect to the coast. (Some go into other valleys.)

What are some deserts plains valleys in Kansas?

There are some areas of semiarid land in Kansas but no true deserts.