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I have been a vegetarian for many years. Whenever I stop eating a variety of fruits -- even for a week or so -- I have to have Vitamin B-complex supplements. Thus, eating fruit is a must. A: Beans, cereals, nutritional yeast, yeast extract.

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Q: What are some vegetarian foods to prevent a vitamin B deficiency?
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What are the benefits of taking b12?

The B vitamins are water soluble, which means that what is not used immediately by the body is excreted in the urine vitamin B12 can be stored in the liver for a long time. Vitamin B12 is available in certain food sources, such as meat, dairy and eggs. If you are a vegetarian, or don't consume these foods in high amounts, you should take a vitamin B12 supplement to prevent a deficiency.

How do you get vitamins being a vegetarian?

Eat a variety of foods; especially fruits and vegetables. There are vegetarian vitamin supplements.

Which Vitamin deficiency for poor night vision?

Vitamin A deficiency can cause vision problems. Eat vitamin A-enriched foods like carrots, pumpkins, and leafy vegetables to avoid any eye-related problems.

What vitamins present in fresh fruit and green vegetables and is essential to prevent scurvy?

foods containing vitamin c deficiency causes scurvy so u need to have foods containing vitamin c like mango , broccoli, tomato, leaches tomatoes grape fruit and so on.

What medication can you take to treat vitamin c deficiency?

take vitamin c tablets, eat oranges and other high vitamin c foods

Which foods would prevent rickets and scurvy?

Foods high in vitamin C.

Is beriberi a comunicable or non communicable disease?

It is a dietary deficiency disease. It happens when you do not eat the right foods. Not communicable.

Vitamin b1 deficiency disease?

Beriberi It is rare in the United States because foods are now vitamin fortified. If you consume a healthy diet, you should get enough thiamine.

What do vegetarians need to do about the lacking of nutrients?

There are plenty of nutrients in a vegetarian diet. Eat vegetarian foods rich in iron, protein, calcium and vitamin B12.

What is vitamin B6 deficiency?

A deficiency in the essential Vitamin B12.

Are there health risks in vegetarian weight loss diet?

There are many suggested health risks with being a vegetarian. Since there are many bacteria in our digestive tract to digest all kind of foods, leaving them idle may make disease more likely to set in. Also, you may suffer from protein, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and vitamin D deficiency. You may also experience intestinal discomfort

What is the difference between taking vitamin supplements and food with vitamins?

Taking vitamin supplements means ingestion of vitamins by means of medicines, and food with vitamins is vitamins in the natural foods like fruits and vegetabales. vitamin supplement is in vitamin deficiency.