

Best Answer
  1. Evangelism
  2. State patronage, beginning with Emperor Constantine
  3. Persecution of the pagan temples
  4. Imperial dictate, beginning with Emperor Theodosius
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Q: What are some ways Christianity spread through the Roman Empire?
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Which religion easily spread through the Roman Empire?

Christianity did not easily spread through the Roman Empire. See the related question, "How did Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire?"

What was the name of the empire through which early Christianity was spread?

The Roman Empire.

What religion spread through the areas once controlled by the Roman Empire?

That would be Christianity.

Political effects of the spread of christianity into the roman empire?

The spread of Christianity had political ramifications for the Roman Empire. The empire split into two, Constantinople to the east and Rome to the west

Which religion spread from the Roman Empire?


Did the Roman empire help spread Christianity?

The Roman Empire made Christianity the official religion of the Empire, and 'encouraged' the peoples it conquered to convert.

Who were not contributing to the spread of Christianity throughout the roman empire?

The Romans who remained pagans did not contribute to the spread of Christianity Neither did Julian, who was the only pagan emperor in the Later Roman Empire

What was the Roman empire and republic's religion?

Through most of their history the ancient Romans had their own religion: Roman Religion. In the Later Empire Christianity spread in the Roman Empire, was endorsed by the Roman emperors and became state religion.

What is the one constant from the Roman Empire through the Dark Ages?

Christianity was certainly a constant. Christianity was also spread beyond the area of the former western part of the Roman Empire with the conversion of previously pagan peoples.

When did Christianity begin to spread throughout the roman empire?


How did Constantine affect Christianity?

As Roman Emporer, Constantine declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. At the time, the Empire was vast, so Christianity spread quickly.

Where did Christianity spread to in 325 A.D.?

By 325ad Christianity had spread throughout the Roman Empire and to Britain. If you google "spread of Christianity map" you will find maps showing the spread.