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Q: What are some ways that phosphorous enters the ocean?
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Stop polluting is a start.

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me farting in the middle of the ocean.

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Extreme Ways by Moby

What are two ways water enters a river?

From another river, from a spring, from rain etc

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Bones help us maintain homeostasis in a few different ways. The bones are a bank for calcium and phosphorous.

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there are multiple ways!

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what are three ways that ocean zones differ from one another

How does a hurricane flood buildings?

There are two ways. In coastal areas the winds of a hurricane can drive the ocean onto land in what is called the storm surge. The flooding from the storm surge often enters buildings. Hurricanes also produce torrential rain that often causes flooding.

What are some ways that ocean currents and wind are similar?

They are similar because if you think about it carefully, the ocean currents are caused by the air currents and the air currents are caused by the ocean currents, so, it is all a scientific cycle.