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If is experiencing severe pain, one should make sure to see a doctor to rule out any serious causes. However, for temporary relief, one could try soaking in a warm bath, using over the counter pain relievers, using a heating pad, or seeing a chiropractor.

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Q: What are some ways to get lower back pain relief?
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What can I do for back pain relief?

Some ways for back pain relief include long hot baths while closing eyes. Another method is to ice the lower back for an hour while resting in bed. These methods should give some relief for the back pain.

What are some measures and action that an individual can find for chronic back pain relief?

Some measures you can take to find relief for chronic back pain are to take over the counter painkillers or to see a doctor. If your back pain is very intense, a doctor may recommend surgery.

How can I get lower back pain relief?

For back pain, you can take some Tylenol Arthritis, or and non-prescription over the counter drugs available at your local pharmacy. For more of a home remedy, a heat pack on your area of pain, or taking a long hot bath can be very soothing.

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It really depends on the person and type of back pain. If you just have an average aching back, a lumbar support pillow could be very helpful and relief some back pain. If the pain is from a pinched nerve, scoliosis, or another medical condition, I would suggest going to see a doctor and/or a chiropractor.

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What are the best low back pain exercises?

Many people suffer from low back pain. Some exercises include lying on your stomach and doing partial and full leg lifts, as well as rolling on your back with knees brought to the chest. Many people also get relief from a heat treatment pad on the lower back.

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What is the difference between lower and upper back pain treatment?

Lower back pain treatment can mean anything from massages to medicine. Some medicines such as advil will help ease the pain. Some people also get massages to mollify discomfort.

Are there any health benefits to using a Homedics back massager?

There are no proven health benefits to using a Homedics back massager but some people do report relief of tension and stress as well as moderate pain relief.

Are corsets a good way to ease back pain?

yes for temporary relief and slim look however you could only wear some much in a day how long you have lower back pain could be other problem created by it. Stronger abdominal muscles will assist with strengthening your lower back as well as improve your posture. You should see a doctor to make sure nothing serious is causing your back problems. Stretches and exercises are also helpful with lower back pain. The website below shows different ways to relieve back pain. Good luck

My girlfriends back hurts n theres bump on the lower left side what can i do to calm her pain?

If your girlfriend's back hurts and there is a bump on the lower left side of it, you can have her take ibuprofen to help relieve the pain temporarily.

What kind of natural therapies can one take for pain relief?

Some kind of natural therapies that one can take for pain relief is the Naturopathic medicine or the Osteopathy therapy. They will help the patient to relax and relief their stress and pain.