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  • Losing a baby is a heartbreaking, but often it is natures way and you did nothing wrong and it is not your fault. This explanation of course does not matter to the woman who has lost her baby. It is a grieving process the mother has to get over and, in time she will and it is natural to go through it. There is light at the end of the tunnel because if she sees her doctor and she is physically fit there is no reason she cannot get pregnant again quite quickly and have a healthy baby. If she should get pregnant again she will be closely monitored by her doctor and perhaps a specialist. Right now you have every right to be heartbroken and have several good cries and talk to your husband/boyfriend about it or a good friend and then with all the strength you have try getting out again and more active and try for another baby.
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Therapy is a good way. Many have a hard time and also remember that with all the hormones you can still get the baby blues even though there's no baby.

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Q: What are some ways to help the grieving process of a miscarriage?
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How long can you bleed when having a miscarriage?

If it goes on for very long you should see your GYN to get some help with the problem.

How do you accept and deal with the grieving process?

If you have experienced a loss, we are very sorry to hear about it. Loss of a loved one is a major human stressor, but it is one that almost every human being experiences at some point in life, and some experience it many times. There are no rules. You already have built-in and wired in everything you need to face and move through this very human pain. In general, it is probably better for a grieving person to not isolate, or at least not isolate too severely or for too long. The support of friends and other loved ones who are sharing your grieving can be very healing. It may take a year to get through most of the grieving, because you may have to experience various holidays, birthdays and other yearly markers in order to more fully process the loss. don't be surprised if it takes longer than a year. If the grieving seems to be interfering with your life beyond what your friends and loved ones think appropriate, then counseling might help. But again, grieving is so human and so natural, even if it is the last thing you want to experience. You have everything you need to move on; be gentle with yourself.

How do you grieve when someone dies?

There is no single answer to the question of how to grieve. It is a different process for everyone. Some people grieve for years after the loss of a spouse, son, daughter or sibling. Some folks never stop grieving after such a loss. The best thing I can say about how to deal with your grief is to do what feels right for you. Don't worry about how other people view your grieving. Grieving is a very personal and private process. It is the way we deal with loss. We laugh, cry, reflect. We wish, hope and despair. It is the begining of a healing process but only the begining. The saying goes "Time will heal all wounds". While I don't believe this is entirely true, I do believe it does help to heal our wounds. I lost my Mother almost two years ago and I'm not sure if I'm done with that process or not. In her latter years she was suffering physically and mentally and her passing was as much relief as loss. She was ready to go and although I miss her, I know she is much happier now. Good luck.

What makes the grieving process easier?

First of all, allow it to run its course. Don't stifle it, and don't tell yourself to "get over it." It will be over when it is over. (Don't let other people tell you that, either.) A full grieving process takes about two years...IF it is allowed to continue normally. You will almost certainly be able to find grief support groups in your area, run by professionals who understand how to deal with these issues in a healthy way. Check with your local hospice center. They will have some resources. Otherwise, go to the local Mental Health Association for references. Avoid religion-based programs. This is not an indictment of religion, but merely a reflection of the fact that the people who run them are not necessarily trained in the most effective methods of grief therapy. This writer's spouse is a grief counselor.

What are some ing verbs for sad?

Crying, weeping, mourning, grieving.

What helps during difficult grieving?

Grieving is a normal process to go through, but some individuals may become reclusive; will not eat well; may not be sleeping well and become very distressed and depressed and they should first have a good physical because stress can cause many health issues and also grief counseling. In fact, most individuals should join a grief counseling group where they can be with others who are also grieving over the loss of a loved one. Hospices; churches; some hospitals provide free counseling for grief. Family and friends should be there to listen; give as much support as possible and not expect too much from the person grieving. Each individual grieves at their own pace and there is no set time when a person has to stop grieving. Just listening or even crying along with them is a good step to support the person who is having difficulty grieving.

What does it mean to dream of your husband who passed away and his skeleton is in your dreams and he asks a question when are the cars coming to take me home.?

Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind which can have difficulty accepting the finality of death. Dreams are also a natural part of the grieving process. This dream represents the dreamers mind dealing with the permanet absence of the husband. Alternatively, the dreamer may wish at some level to finish the grieving process and move on with her life.

Is it easier to get pregnant after miscarriage?

There is a theory that after a miscarriage some women conceive but this hasn't been proven to my knowledge.

Where can you find support after the death of your brother?

There are grieving groups in your community or surrounding communities. If you belong to a church a pastor or elder can help. Look in the front part of your local phone book for help lines, some books can help you, too. Sorry for your loss, you have my deepest sympathy's.

What are the main stages of grieving?

The five stages of death is denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. At first you dont believe that your dieing but some people skip some stages.

What are the things you can do to have a miscarriage?

If you are actually trying to make yourself miscarry, you may want to seek some kinda help. It can be very dangerous. Please talk to someone

Does physical activity causes miscarriage?

No, exercise is very good for you during pregnancy and does not cause miscarriage. Some say it does but that is a myth.