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You can lower your cholesterol with exercise. It should usually be aerobic exercises such as swimming, running, using the treadmill, walking and climbing. If you cannot afford to go to the gym, you can go for a daily walk or jog for about 30 minutes to an hour.

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Q: What are some ways to lower my cholesterol besides eating the right foods?
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How can my diet lower my cholesterol?

There are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce a high cholesterol diet. Foods such as oatmeal and high fibre foods can be eaten to reduce cholesterol levels as well as eating omega 3 and fatty acids. Red meat and fried food should be avoided.

What is a good diet plan to lower cholesterol?

You can lower your cholesterol pretty easily by eating foods that are high in whole grains, and low in sodium. Try this website for more information.���cholesterol/���low-cholesterol-foods.html

What is cholesterol and what lowers it?

Cholesterol is caused by bad eating habits. Your doctor can put you on a med that can lower it and eating healthy and exercising will help also. Avoid salty and fatty foods.

How do you control cholesterol?

Eating foods that are low in cholesterol and participating in an exercise routine are the best ways to lower cholesterol. If that doesn't work, there are meds your doctor can give you to control it.

How do control cholesterol?

Eating foods that are low in cholesterol and participating in an exercise routine are the best ways to lower cholesterol. If that doesn't work, there are meds your doctor can give you to control it.

Is there a certain diet that can help lower cholesterol?

Yes, you can lower your cholesterol levels by eating certain foods. You mainly need to eat whole grain foods, as well as fruits and vegetables. Also oatmeal and cereal are good.

What is a good diet to lower my cholesterol?

A good diet to lower your cholesterol would include cutting out all foods high in cholesterol, like red meat. You should be eating more fruits and vegetables and whole grains like oats to help lower your cholesterol.

What foods are good for a diet to lower cholesterol?

Foods with fatty natural oils, like fish or nut oils, help lower bad cholesterol. Eating peanuts, cashews, many different types of fish, oats, and other food containing these items will all help control and lower your bad cholesterol.

How do you control cholesterol level?

Eating foods that are low in cholesterol and participating in an exercise routine are the best ways to lower cholesterol. If that doesn't work, there are meds your doctor can give you to control it.

What is the simplest thing that can be removed from one's diet to lower cholesterol?

Cholesterol levels can be heightened when eating foods most people just don't think about. Some of the foods that can raise cholesterol include cake, pies, butter, and egg yolk.

What foods can help in cholesterol management that can actually lower a person's cholesterol level?

Foods that can help you lower your cholesterol include oatmeal, fish, nuts, whole grain foods, beans, whole fruit, garlic, and papaya. So yes it is true foods can help lower your cholesterol.

How can you safely and effectively lower your cholesterol?

You can lower you cholesterol by eating healthier foods. Foods rich in soluble fiber such as oatmeal, bran, and bananas help. Also helpful are foods with omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish. Another good food to eat is nuts, such as almonds and walnuts.