

What are some ways we use solar energy today?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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We use solar energy today for a variety of needs:

Cooking food in a solar oven

Converting to electricity to run appliances, cars and satellites

Heating homes and offices

Heating water for cooking, bathing, Swimming Pools, fish ponds

Heating green houses to grow crops in the winter

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Q: What are some ways we use solar energy today?
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What are ways of collecting solar energy?

Solar panels and geothermal reservoirs! They both can hold energy and collect it!

How does solar energy affect weather?

Solar energy affects earth's weather in a couple of different ways. Solar energy warms the planet and creates the wind.

What are some ways we use solar energy?

We use solar energy today for a variety of needs: Cooking food in a solar oven Converting to electricity to run appliances, cars and satellites Heating homes and offices Heating water for cooking, bathing, Swimming Pools, fish ponds Heating green houses to grow crops in the winter

What are the alternative sources you could use to provide energy?

There are many ways in which energy can be obtained, some of these sources could be: Solar Wind hydroelectric solar agricultural geothermal tidal nuclear :)

What are two ways of collecting solar energy?

Solar panels and geothermal reservoirs! They both can hold energy and collect it!

Good things about solar energy?

Solar energy is one of the environmental friendly ways to harness energy. It does not cause environmental pollution. It will be the energy of the future.

What are the best ways of using solar energy?

The best ways are for lighting and heating.

How has the solar energy helped our world?

Solar energy has helped our world in many ways like giving light to places.

What type of energy is solar energy converted to?

Solar Energy is typically converted into electricity and stored using a battery. There are other ways of using solar power but this is the most typical format

What are the 2 biggest ways to converve energy?

Solar and Wind

What are different ways of generating energy?

Solar power, wind power, tidal power, and fossil fuels are ways to get energy.