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By the amount of water your body uses a day,it has copper in the water you drink which means that you have cipper in your body all the time if you just drink water.

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Q: What are some ways your body uses copper?
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What makes copper prices rise and fall?

The major applications of copper are in electrical wires, roofing, industrial machinery, and plumbing. Many investors now look at copper as one of the better ways to play the global industrial cycle.

Is Copper Nitrate a metal or non metal?

Its Neither a metal or a non metal. Its a compound formed from copper, nitrogen and oxygen. Its also called an ore from which copper can be extracted in its original metal form up to 99% purity. This substance is actually a salt that can be formed in many ways. One of these ways is mixing Copper and Nitric Acid, another is Copper Carbonate and Nitric Acid. This salt is also a compound (a substance made of more than one types of atom, which are chemically joined together).

Copper is used in electrical and?

Copper and copper alloys meet the challenges of modern life in many ways. Often seen in plumbing systems and good quality roofing and cladding, they are also frequently unseen providing essential services inside equipment in houses, offices, commercial and industrial buildings.

How do you extract the copper?

Here is an extremely simplified version of a very complex process -In most copper mines the ore is crushed in 'ball mills' and then roasted . Some dirt is removed here. After this it is poured into large cleaning ponds. The treated ore is then put in water-filled aeration tanks containing surfactant. After this various acids are used to separate the other unwanted material from the copper.

How is carbon stored in your body?

The element CARBON enters the body in two NATURAL ways. First is through eating and drinking. Almost all food that we eat contain the element carbon. As the ingested food reaches the digestive system, food is broken down into smaller pieces up until the molecular level. Some molecules are taken into the circulation, while others are excreted down as feces. Second is by breathing. Certain air molecules contain carbon. One major air molecule is CARBON DIOXIDE. Some molecules are inhaled, but usually, CARBON DIOXIDE should be excreted from the body. Unnatural ways when CARBON could enter the body is by medical intervention, as in intravenous injections, surgery, etc.

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They help the body asorb minerals and vitamins, which the body uses in many ways.

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What are four ways your body uses protein?

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The human body uses carbohydrates as a way to fuel itself. It also uses carbohydrates as a way of structural support.

Would you describe some of the ways the human body uses water?

drink it,it helps digest,hidrate,and to help produce waste

What are the three ways your body uses energy each day?

Well there are lots of examples of ways your body uses energy, here are some for example: - getting out of bed in the morning. - running. - walking down the stairs. - eating a meal. - taking a shower. - sleeping/taking a nap or rest. - exercising or working out.

In what ways can copper enhance your home?

Copper has many valuable uses as home enhancement items. The most popular use for copper is for roofing. It is durable and resistant to the elements. It is mainly used outdoors for it's visual qualities.

What are some ways that sheldon cooper uses to stay organized?

He uses a label maker on practically everything

Are Cu and Ag similar?

Copper and silver are in the same group (11 or copper group) and of course have some similarities.

What are some ways to keep germs out of your body?

We have to make our body clean by continous washing

How does eating help your body?

Eating Pears are very good for a persons body and help in many ways. Pears are a good source of fiber, Vitamin B2, C, E, Copper, and Potassium.

The human body uses what to function?

You question can be answered in any number of ways but the best one, perhaps, would be nutrients.