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If you just go up to a random person on the street and ask someone to go on a date with you. Tell someone suck a dick Tell someone to hump their biggest crush

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Q: What are some weird things to ask people?
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Well in some situations, such as parties, people want to have fun and try new, weird things such as a guy juking a girl.

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Omg some people ask really weird questions how can u be so weird lmao ; )

She always calls you her best friend would it be weird to ask her out?

Some people may consider it weird but I personally think it's romantic for people to have been friends for so long then become boyfriend and girlfriend. You do what you want to do and dont be hurt if anyone tells you it's weird... we all have our own opinions on things

Can you ask someone to see their belly button?

yes,you can probley ask everyone that,but some people might think your weird

Why do people ask such weird questions on wiki answer?

Because of a weird person named Jay Jeong who is totally weird, and thus he ask weird questions. You can find him in Pal pk

Do you likes flowers?

I like flowers. They are so awesome! Why did you even ask that from a random person. It's sort of weird but I have those days when I ask weird things!

Is it weird for someone you don't know randomly ask for your twitter account?

Some people are just friendly. If you think it's weird or uncomfortable then don't give them your username.

Will people think that you are weird if you ask them to give you a wedgie?

Yes, very weird - that is not appropriate behavior.

Why is there weird questions on this website?

Because wierd people ask them.

Why do people ask rhetorical questions on WikiAnswers?

People ask weird questions or rhetorical questions because it is fun just to see what the is. Just knowing weird facts gives people more fun in their lives.

Is election day a ceremony?

Maybe things are crazy but know u r weird to ask such a question. The answer is yes but u r still weird

What are the main charactors in a fairy tale?

that is some thing weird to ask. but if u wish to know they are the important people in the story like hreos