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Q: What are some words that have the word the in them and have a definition that contains put in it?
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what word in the English has the most definitions?

The answer is: SETThe word 'set' has 464 definitions making it the most. its main definition contains 10,000 words making it the longest definition also. People also use the word set a lot and I mean a lot!

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There is no way to be exact, since there's no universally accepted definition of what a word is. But the Hawaiian language contains between 20,000 and 40,000 words, by most estimates.

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The dictionary contains all words and their definition. So, go to and look up whatever word you don't understand.

What word contains GU and means to fight with words?

A word that contains "GU" and means to fight with words is argue.I hope that helped answer your question!

Define the word Lululemon Athletica?

The word Lululemon Athletica has a definition. The word (words) have no definition, but instead are a name of a yoga athletic gear. The word Lulemon Athletica has no definition.

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There are no 6-word short stories. The definition of a short story is 100 words or over.

What is the definition of the word researching?

One of the definitions of the word researching is to investigate systematically. Some words that are synonymous to the word researching is scrutiny, study, inquire and examine.

What word contains five pronouns?

Dumbwaiters contains five pronouns. It contains the words I, it, me, us and we.

What is a word that contains the root word hypo?

There are more than 1 words. Some are hypocrisy, hypogeal, etc. Hope it helped u

How many words in pop?

Pop contains 2 words. Op is a word. Pop is a word.