

What are some yoga pose?

Updated: 1/15/2023
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11y ago

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Mountain Pose.

Forward Fold.

Plank Pose.

Downward Dog.

Child's Pose

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Ottis Dickens

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1y ago
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12y ago

The poses of yoga are "Lord of the dance"and"Cow Face".

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Lvl 10
1y ago
  1. Plank Pose
  2. Four-Limbed Staff Pose
  3. Cobra Pose
  4. Tree Pose
  5. Triangle Pose
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I would do the cow pose, for anything that involves seriously arching your spine the back way. Some poses that AID menstrual cramps are cat pose, bow pose, fish pose, and child's pose.

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Cow face pose

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Intention is the most important. Then comes duration and then comes intensity of pose.

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Yoga has really helped with a back pain and peace full. Those are some of my favorite yoga poses, along with child pose.

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Pigeon pose is a yoga move where a person begins in a push-up position. This move opens up the shoulders and chest region in participants.