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The best stain removal tools are laundry detergents like Oxy Clean, Shout, Stain Removal, and Tide spot cleaner. Grass stains in general are relatively easy to get rid of so long as you wash the clothes quickly after the stain.

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Q: What are stain removal tips to get rid of grass stains?
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Tips For Common Stain Removal?

Sometimes, removing stains can seem like an art most of us did not take classes in. A few wonderful people have figured out the "magic" behind removing nearly every stain from everything. It makes sense to learn stain removal basics instead of throwing things away.Here are stain removal tips that will help you no matter what stain/fabric you are dealing with: Blot, never rub a stain. Rubbing pushes the staining agent further into the fibers. Test the stain remover in an inconspicuous spot first. Antique fabrics are particularly vulnerable to staining even from the stain removal products. Move immediately to remedy the stain. The longer the agent stays on the fabric, the more it will stain or dye the fabric.The following tips are for removing common stains. Some of the stain removers may surprise you.Sweat StainsCrush several plain aspirin in a cup of warm water. Apply to the stain and work in. Launder the item.BloodPour hydrogen peroxide on the blood and allow it to bubble. Blot off with a clean cloth. Repeat as necessary. It works by breaking the red blood cells apart.Rubbing alcohol will also help remove blood. Use the same as peroxide; pour on and blot off. It will not bubbleGumRub ice on the gum and wait for it to harden. Lift off.Rub it with rubbing alcohol. It will make the gum harden as well.Grease and OilDishwashing detergent will remove grease and oil from fabrics.Dawn dishwashing liquid will also remove motor oil, cooking grease.InkIf the stain is from spilled ink, quickly make a mixture of 50% hydrogen peroxide and water. Pour in a ring around the spill. This will keep it from spreading.Blot as much as possible from the fabric with clean cloth. Use fingernail polish, rubbing alcohol or liquid hand soap, blot the area until the stain has gone. Rinse completely and allow to dry.Of course, commercial stain removers are wonderful at removing tough stains from most fabrics. If there is any doubt about removing a stain from an expensive or antique fabric, locate a dry cleaner that specializes in stain removal.

Where can one find some stain removal tips?

Stain removal tips can be found all over the internet. However, if you're having a hard time surfing through the never ending information of the internet, the editors of Consumer Reports put together a great little book called How to Clean Practically Anything. Employees at your local fabric or craft stores might also have some great tips.

How can I find tips on removing wine stains from carpet?

You can find tips to removing stains on "" search your question and look for the answer in the search box.

What are some ideas for pet stain removal on carpets?

Some ideas for pet stain removal on carpets are as follows: buy Spot Shot Instant Carpet Cleaner, apply Club Soda, use Enzyme Odor Remover, use Baking Soda, following some cleaning tips to be found at Voices Yahoo.

Stain Removal Tips?

Stain removal tipsAny type of stain on fabric needs to be addressed as soon as possible in order to prevent it from setting in permanently. A damp rag should first be used to dab on the spill, followed by a special solution which is determined by what has caused the stain.Grease StainsGrease stains include those made by lipstick and cooking grease. The best solution to use to remove this type of stain is a mixture of color safe bleach, ammonia, peroxide, and water. After dabbing the stain with a damp rag, spray the solution on it and continue to dab. Never rub the stain, as this could damage the material.Earth Based StainsEarth based stains include those made by wine and coffee. After dabbing with a damp cloth, it is best to treat this stain with a color safe bleach in order to remove it. As with grease stains, never rub the material in order to prevent damaging it.Oil Based StainsOil based stains are best removed using a solution of vinegar, water, and color safe bleach. Dab the stain with a damp cloth, followed by the mixture, in order to remove it.No matter what the stain, treating it as quickly as possible after it occurs is essential to removing it. It is a good idea to keep premixed solutions handy in order to tackle the problem before it has a chance to ruin an article of clothing.

How To Get Positive Results When Removing Stains In Berber Carpet?

Berber carpeting is one of the hardest carpeting choices to clean and to keep looking clean. In fact, when removing stains in Berber carpeting, people have said that they have tried everything on the market to remove stains, to no avail. There are some simple tips and techniques to help you get even the most stubborn stains out of your Berber carpeting in a snap. This includes wine, blood, grass and various oil stains. 1. When cleaning a stain out of Berber carpeting, rinse the stain with cold water and extract. Apply just a small amount of water to the stained area at a time to prevent the stain from spreading to other parts of the carpeting. Hot water will cause a stain to set in, making it virtually impossible to remove. Add the cold water to the stain and blot it up from the spot with your cleaning cloth or with white paper towels. If you have a small spot cleaner with an extractor or a shop vacuum available you can use them to help suck up the water. 2. Using a solution that is made up of a cup of cold water and a few drops of Dawn dish washing detergent, work the solution into the stained area of the carpet making sure that you do not spread the stain. Blot the stained area with a white cotton cloth or white paper towels. Do not rub the stain because this can cause permanent damage to the carpet fibers. Carpet fibers that are damaged will hold stains tighter and will attract more stains in the future. Repeat this process as necessary until the cloth shows no more sings of the stain when blotted. For tougher stains, like blood, grass stains and oil, use club soda in place of the cold water. 3. Using either your cloth, paper towels, or extracting machine, make sure that all excess water is removed when you are done working on the stain. 4. Place a fan in front of the stain. Turn it on the highest setting and allow it thoroughly dry. Drying the spot quickly will keep any stain that is deeper within the carpet from coming up and becoming visible once again.