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Maryland and California

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2d ago

States such as California, Oregon, and Washington are generally considered to have less prominent regional accents compared to states in the Southern or Northeastern regions of the United States. These states are known for having more neutral accents, often referred to as General American English.

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There are a wide variety of areas within the United States that are known to have people with different accents. The people of Boston, New York City, and New Jersey, for example, typically have distinctive accents. The same can be said for individuals from southern states such as Texas or Louisiana.

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actually, im from there and we dont have accents. thats the most annoying stereotype EVER! AND NO PLEASE DONT IMAGINE ME SAYING THIS IN AN ACCENT, BECAUSE IM NOT. and we r not crazy 4 fishing and hunting! >:(

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Yes, people in Minnesota can have a distinct accent known as the "Minnesota accent" which is characterized by elongated vowels and certain speech patterns. However, not everyone in Minnesota speaks with this accent as there is regional variation within the state.

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"accents" is either a verb or a noun.

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