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Q: What are storage sacs in biology?
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What are storage sacs?

vacuole's are storage sacs

Are storage sacs?

vacuole's are storage sacs

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What are the small water-filled sacs that are a storage area for cells?

The vacuole

What are the holes in the leopard geckos armpits for?

They are just armpits, nothing to worry about :) If your gecko were to get chunky, there would be little sacs there instead, as a protein storage.

What is The biology of learning?

The long-term memory storage is primarily the work of the right hemisphere of the brain

What is known as the cell's mail room and is a flattened selection of sacs and tubes?

Perhaps the Golgi apparatus or endoplasmic reticulum? That's what springs to mind. We are talking biology right?

What vertebrates have air sacs attached to their lungs that make lungs more efficient?

According to my college biology professor, birds have the most efficient lungs of all LAND vertebrates.

Which orgelles contain enzymes that break down old cell parts?

Lysosomes are vesicles (vesicles= small, spherical, single-membrane sacs used for temporary storage and transport within a cell and are classified by their contents) that contain digestive enzymes. In the process of autophagy, lysosomes digest worn-out organelles within cells. In the process autolysis, damaged or extra cells are digested and broken down by their own lysosomes. "Biology is your life, you know."

What is a sac like structure used for storage in some cells?

The Vacuole is the ball sack of a cell and is used to distribute sperm from the penis to th vagina.

Lysosome is like a?

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