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Q: What are strength and weakness of the book Money and politics in the land of Oz?
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The American dream, friendship and loneliness, strength and weakness, and human nature.

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Many of the Psalms reflect how God is our help in time of need, our strength in weakness and hope of salvation.

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the theme is the past is the past

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i don't know any Her book's weaknesses were it could easily get ripped or torn or ruined,JK

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The greatest strength of "Slam" by Walter Dean Myers is its realistic portrayal of inner-city life and issues faced by young adults. Its weakness may lie in the somewhat predictable storyline and character development.

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Shakespeare's Politics - book - was created in 1964.

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the writers compare and contrast to analyze the strength and weakness of a book or article. as a critic the writer wants to bring some elements of improvements in that piece of writing.

What caused the rise of the money issue in American politics?

i dont know maybe you should look in your book smart one

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The book Politics was written by the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Who wrote the book a grammar of politics?

The book A Grammar of Politics was written by Harold J. Laski.