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Q: What are styles specified in a tag referred to as?
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Cascading is related to the way you can set up styles to overwrite each other. There are three types of writing styles. 1. Inline Inline styles are written in the middle of the code, and set the style for that specific tag. 2. Head Head styles are written in the head part of the page. They are overwritten by any inline styles. 3. External External styles are kept in a separate file which is referred to. They are overwritten by any head or inline styles.

What is Unpaired tag in HTML?

A tag is said to be a paired tag if the text is placed between a tag and its companion tag. In paired tags, the first tag is referred to as Opening Tag and the second tag is referred to as Closing Tag.ExampleThis text is in italics. Note: Here is called opening tag. and is called closing tag.

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How do you write instead of body the text box in css?

You can write a text box in CSS styles. Just place the text styles to whatever you want in the input tag.

What are the 2 styles of music that became very common and developed during this time?

It would help if you specified which time.

What is a style tag?

A style tag can be used in a page to define an internal style sheet. You usually put it in the head area and define styles you want to be used in the page. So you start with the style tag, put all your style definitions between it and the closing style tag. The below code creates styles for the p and h1 tags.p {color:gold; font-size:14pt;}h1 (color:red}

What is the tag used to give the space between two images?

Allot of the time people just use a css document or you can just use a brace tag (specified as <br />) which is a tag that works in both HTML and html5. The brace tag is also a self ending tag and doesn't have any attributes that you can add so most of the time its a good idea to us a css document but a brace tag works too. Hope this helps <:

Can style sheet will used in body tag of HTML or not?

You have 3 kinds of styles. External style sheets are in a separate file and is referenced by a web page in the head area. An internal style sheet is put into the web page. It should be put into the head area. In answer to your question however, they will work if you put them into the body of the document, though you should always put them into the head area. The third kind of styles are inline styles, which are put directly into tags, so they are within the body. Inline styles are not regarded as style sheets, as they are individual styles just applying to the tag that they are in.