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Conjunctions are commonly called joining words. They link together two parts of a sentence. There are coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.

coordinating conjunctions join equivalent parts of a sentence:

The sun shone and everybody felt happy.

subordinating conjunctions join a subordinate (secondary) clause to a main clause:

You can do it if you try hard.

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Q: What are subordinate conjunction of coordinate conjunction?
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What part of speech is used to link the clauses?

A conjunction, a coordinate one for independent clauses and a subordinate one for dependent clauses.

What type of conjunction begins a subordinate clause?

subordinate conjunction

What part of speech is the phase- so she can take a nap?

Phrases do not have parts of speech. "so she can take a nap" is an independent clause introduced by the conjunction "so", which can be either a coordinate or subordinate conjunction. If the meaning is subordinate, the two word conjunction "so that" should be used in more formal text.

What type of conjunction is used to connect the two kinds of clauses together?

A subordinating conjunction is used to connect independent and dependent clauses together. These conjunctions show the relationship between the clauses, such as cause and effect or time sequence. Examples include "because," "although," and "when."

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a subordinate conjunction.

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Is a coordinate conjunction a type of subordinating conjunction?

no, it is not.

What are examples of a subordinate conjunction?

Although there are many subordinate conjunctions, the most common are "and", "but", and "or". A subordinate conjunction connects a subordinate clause (a clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence) to a main clause (a complete sentence).

Do you need a comma when the clause begins with a subordinate conjunction?

Yes, a comma is generally needed when a subordinate clause begins with a subordinate conjunction. The comma is used to separate the subordinate clause from the main clause.

Which is NOT an example of a subordinate conjunction?

"and" is not an example of a subordinate conjunction. Subordinate conjunctions introduce dependent clauses that cannot stand alone as sentences. Examples include "although," "if," and "because."

Is wherever a subordinate conjunction?

yes it is

Is during a subordinate conjunction?

It is no kind of conjunction. The word during is a preposition.