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Q: What are substances that induce sleep?
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A lullaby is a song sung quietly to induce babies and toddlers to go to sleep.

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At johns wort

Does Trazodone give you the same feeling as Ambien10mg?

Trazodone and Ambien are both medications which are used to help induce sleep. They are different types of medications, and while both induce sleep they can have different side effects. How each medication reacts is unique from person to person.

What takes place in sleep endoscopy?

In this procedure, the patient is given a medication (midazolam) to induce sleep. His or her throat and nasal passages are then examined with a flexible laryngoscope.

What are the preparations for a sleep EEG?

Individuals undergoing a sleep EEG may be asked to remain awake the night before their test. They may be given a sedative prior to the test to induce sleep.

Drugs that relieve anxiety and induce sleep are called?

Depressants are pills which are designed to help you sleep and alleviate anxiety. They are also to treat seizures and panic attacks.

What conditions are deep sleep therapy used to treat?

Deep sleep therapy was used to treat some psychiatric patients. Patients were given psychiatric drugs to induce prolonged sleep which rendered them unconscious for a period of a few days to weeks.

What is primary sleep disorder?

Primary sleep disorder-- A sleep disorder that cannot be attributed to a medical condition, another mental disorder, or prescription medications or other substances

Do sleep aids actually induce sleep?

In a way, but there are some problems. Most sleep aids contain ingredients that make you drowsy. The problem is that most sleep aids help induce sleep by slowing brain activity, and this interferes with a person's natural sleep rhythms. Often a person using sleep aids will still be tired after having slept all night. Also, most sleep aids can become habit forming, such that you need to continue using them, whether you want to or not. They do have side effects, including making some people feel tense or edgy. On the other hand, some sleep aids, when taken as directed, are good for occasional use, and do help some people fall asleep.

What does the phrase bit of a horlicks mean?

To make a mess of something. To do something badly. Horlicks is the name of a drink that was once used to induce sleep.

What is the difference between temazepam plus diazepam?

Temazepam is normally used to induce sleep, diazepam is used for nerves, anxiety, and as a muscle relaxant.