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Q: What are substances that provide the energy the body need?
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What does food fuel give your body?

The food in the body's fuel source.The nutrients in the food give the body's cell the energy and other substances they need to operate.

How does the body get energy?

exothermic reactions provide us with the energy we need to carry out daily activities

What substances does the body need when exercising?

The body mostly needs fats which are used to produce energy. The body also needs water which is used for cooling and other important functions.

Why is oxygen necessary to live?

Oxygen is crucial for some chemical reactions, which take place in our bodies and which generate substances necessary for proper body function. In order to survive we need energy. We get energy from sugar and fat and in order to get it we need oxygen as chemical reaction generating such energy rich substances require oxygen.

Why do living things need food?

AnswerBecause the substances which the food contains (like nutrients vitamins, and proteins) are needed by the body to live and grow. Also to produce energy so they can do their activity with the energy that they get from processing the substances in the food.

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Why do living organisms need neutrients?

Nutrients provide us with the energy we need in order to live. They also provide our bodies with the raw materials for constructing the molecules on which our body survival depends.

Why do living things need nutrients?

Living things need nutrients because nutrients provide us with the energy we need in order to live , they also provide our bodies with the raw materials for constructing the molecules on which our body survival depend.

How do fats affect your growth?

it helps provide energy for your body and as you grow you need more fat to cushion you joints and the protect your organs

What does every cell in the body need to power its activities?

All cells must do work to stay alive and maintain their cellular environment. The energy needed for cell work comes from the bonds of ATP.

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Do bodies need fuel?

Yes, for sure alive bodies need fuel supplied through suitable digested food to provide the necessary energy for the body efforts.