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Q: What are sunspots a temporary disturbances of?
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Sunspots are temporary disturbances in the sun's .?

Sunspots are the temporary dark spots on the surface of the sun, specifically the photosphere. Sunspots can get as big as 50,000 km long. Sunspots can interrupt terrestrial magnetism.

Sunspots are temporary disturbances in the sun's?

Sunspots are the temporary dark spots on the surface of the sun, specifically the photosphere. Sunspots can get as big as 50,000 km long. Sunspots can interrupt terrestrial magnetism.

Sunspots are temporary disturbances in the suns what?

Sunspots are temporary disturbances in the sun's photosphere. They appear as black spots because they are significantly cooler areas cause by magnetic activity on the sun. They can be various sizes and move across the sun at various speeds before disappearing.

Do sunspots relate to the incidence of the radio and TV disturbances?

Yes, they do.

How do sunspots move Do they expand or do they slide around?

Sunspots are not permanent. They are temporary. and they move once every 5 years.

Can sunspots cause auroras and disrupt satellite transmissions?

They interfere with all types of RF (radio / TV) transmission / reception.

What are the disturbances on the sun?

Prominances these are loops , Solar Flares these are matter ejections from the sun, and sunspots these are the darker cooler places on its surface

What is the relationship between sunspots and electrical disturbances?

Sunspots are regions of high physical and magnetic turbulence on the Sun. They increase and decrease in number during an 11-year solar sunspot cycle, but variations within the cycle mean it isn't always just a smooth up and down graph. From the sunspots large amounts of radiation and matter can be thrown around and some of the radiation can cause electrical and magnetic disturbances in the upper atmosphere or even on the Earth itself. During high sunspot activity the general level of solar surface and coronal activity is also high, with more flares and prominences which also areas of great disturbances. Flares are huge disturbances on the Sun which can throw out massive amounts of radiation and mass in what are known as CME's, or Coronal Mass Ejections, and they can have a big effect on Earth. Large disturbances on Earth from solar storms are called geomagnetic storms can knock out entire electrical networks as has happened in Canada and the northern states of the USA before. For the last two years the Sun has been unusually quiet, meaning very few sunspots have been seen and therefore fewer magnetic disturbances have happened, including the disappearance of the Northern Lights for almost the entire period but there are a few sunspots visible now and an occasional aurora has been seen since last December.

Describe the characteristics of sunspots?

A sunspot is a region on the Sun's photosphere that is cooler and darker than the surrounding material. Sunspots often appear in pairs or groups with specific magnetic polarities that indicate electromagnetic origins.

What makes the sunspots?

Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the photosphere of the Sun that appear visibly as dark spots compared to surrounding regions. They correspond to concentrations of magnetic field that inhibit convection and result in reduced surface temperature compared to the surrounding photosphere.

What is the purpose of sunspots?

Sunspots are caused by magnetic activity on the surface of the sun. These are usually temporary and are viewed as dark compared to the areas surrounding the spot. These spots may emit solar flares that affect the solar system by sending out radiation from the Sun.

Are sunspots hotter or colder regions of the sun?

No, sunspots are cooler than the photosphere.