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Q: What are super-worms related to?
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Can you use peat moss for your superworms?

yes you can

What do frogs eat other then cricks?

Fruit Flys, Mealworms, and Superworms

What type of insects do bearded dragons eat?

crickets, superworms, mealworms, and waxmoth larvae

What do you feed superworms?

Just place them in a bedding of Oats and put in a piece of carrot and they will survive

Why do superworms only have 6 legs?

Superworms are beetle larvae and as insects it is natural that they should have six legs. Caterpillars, with more than six legs, are somewhat unusual though it should be noted that the "legs" behind the first six are referred to a pseudopods, or "false feet"

Can you refrigerate super worms?

No. Superworms cannot tolerate low temperatures, so they should never be refrigerated.

What does a turancula eat?

Tarantulas will eat crickets, moths, beetle larvae (meal worms or superworms), houseflies and cockroaches.

Do bearded dragons eat worms?

Yes, they do eat worms such as meal worms, wax worms, and superworms.

What eats the cape dwarf chameleon?

Adult Crickets, Locusts, Mealworms, Superworms, Zoophobias, Waxworms, Wax Moths, or Pinky Mice

What does the Cape dwarf chameleon eat?

Adult Crickets, Locusts, Mealworms, Superworms, Zoophobias, Waxworms, Wax Moths, or Pinky Mice

Is a hedgehog more closely related to a porcupine or a mole?

No, they are not related to Porcupines, which are rodents. Hedgheogs are most closely related to shrews, and yes, more distantly, moles.

Nutritional requirements for a bearded dragon?

The diet should consist of proteins (such as crickets, mealworms, superworms, and waxmoth larvae) and vegetables/fruits (peas, carrots, Boston lettuce, strawberries etc.)