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The droplets are what you see as clouds,

and to change them into ice crystals requires a "seed"

which might be dust, microscopic life, or even an ice crystal.

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Q: What are super cooled droplets of water and how can these be changed into ice crystals?
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What kind of precipitation forms when strong winds toss ice crystals up and down in a cloud?

The answer is easy ice crystals and super cooled droplets in a cloud form hail or sleet.

What type of cloud is wispy and made of ice crystals?

Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy, found at heights greater than 20,000 feet and are composed of ice crystals that originate from the freezing of super-cooled water droplets

Clouds in which the water droplets remain liquid below 0 degrees are said to be?

super cooled, D

How does humidity relate to cloud formation?

When the temperature of the air matches the dewpoint temperature clouds are expected to form.If the temperature is above 0 then the cloud is made of water droplets. When the temperature is below 0 than the cloud would be made up of snow crystals or super cooled water.

What is cirrocumulus clouds made of?

Like other clouds, cumulonimbus clouds are made of water droplets and ice crystals. They're often associated with severe weather such as thunderstorms.Mostly a lot of condensed water droplets.Cumulonimbus clouds are made of water droplets in their lower portions and ice crystals in their upper portions.Pretty much all clouds are made of water vapor (steam) that evaporates from lakes or rivers.

How does precipitation develop?

Precipitation develops and occurs by the process of collision-coalescence. Collision-coalescence occurs when water droplets collide together to form larger droplets. These droplets get pulled to earth by gravity. Updrafts can send them back up but they will still grow larger and eventually fall to earth. The pure water remains as droplet and can super cool (-20C) below freezing. Ice crystals (super cooled water droplets) act as nucleation sites. The density of water vapor in the air prior to saturation is light and gets heavier as water droplets form. Ice or snow can occur, unless frozen water is warmed as it falls through the atmosphere resulting in rain. Dust and gas particles in the atmopshere can also act as nucleation sites for condensation to form upon. This will help create precipitation that eventually falls to earth due to weight and gravity processes.

Why is water vapor restricted to the lower Atmosphere?

Vapor implies a Gaseous State. In the super-cooled Upper Atmospheric Layers, Water may exist only as solid Ice crystals.

How do glaciated clouds look different from non-glaciated clouds?

The glaciated cloud (i.e. cloud contains ice crystals, not just super cooled liquid) appears filmy, or diffuse, with indistinct cloud edges. Non glaciated occurs more during the storm development stage where towering cumulus full of water droplets look very crisp at the edges as they mushroom out from the updraft.

Why are super cooled metals good conductors?

Super cooled metals are good conductors because their super cooled properties allow them to conduct electric currents without resistance. This means no loss of energy.

Are rubber and glass when heated examples of crystalline solids?

Glass as a solid is acturally a 'super-cooled liquid'. If left for many years the glass will appear to go cloudy, light does not trasnmit . This is the glass forming a crystalline solid. Glass is classified as a super-cooled liquid becasue it is a liquid below its melting point, but has not formed crystals, to become solid. NB Under certain weather conditions, water can become super-cooled. That is it is below its freezing point but still remains a liquid.

The two kinds of matter?

There are four, not two, they are: Liquid Solid Gas Plasma. An then there is the super-solid where hyper-cooled crystals begin to absorb energy into higher energy states without a corresponding increase of temperature.

Why glass is called a super cooled liquid?

The definition of glass is a super cooled liquid. Any liquid that is super cooled takes on the properties of glass. Glass as you think of it is just super cooled silica. What happens is that it is cooled so quickly that it doesn't actually undergo a phase change back to a solid. In reality glass is just an incredibly slow moving liquid.